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Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums --
(Naval History and Heritage Command Photographic Lot # S-591)

Donald R. Cochran's USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. (SP-684) and USS Madawaska (ID # 3011) Photo Album, 1917-1919 -- Pages 9-16

This page provides textual descriptions and thumbnails, plus links to larger images, of the views on pages 9 through 16 of Donald R. Cochran's album of his 1917-1919 U.S. Navy service.
The photographs on these pages were taken in 1919, while Cochran was serving as an Ensign in USS Madawaska.

For introductory information on this collection, see:

  • Donald R. Cochran's USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. and USS Madawaska Photo Album -- General Description.

    To quickly locate relevant entries (when using "Windows" type computers): press "Ctrl-f" to open the "FIND" dialog box, type in the subject word(s) you want and click "find next".

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    S-591, Page 9:
  • Top photo: USS Madawaska (ID # 3011) in port.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of an identical image, see Photo # NH 103145.

  • Lower left photo: Waterfront of the Charleston Navy Yard, South Carolina, 6 April 1919. Ships visible include USS SC-61 and the camouflaged USS Anniston (Cruiser # 9).

  • Lower right photo: Charleston Port Terminal, South Carolina, 6 April 1919. Ships visible include a camouflaged Japanese freighter and USS Huron (ID # 1408).

    S-591, Page 10 (reverse side of Page 9):
  • Five street scenes in Charleston, S.C., on or about 1 April 1919.
    Ensign Donald R. Cochran was then in Charleston to join the crew of USS Madawaska.

    S-591, Page 11:
  • Upper photo: USS Madawaska at St. Nazaire, France in May 1919. This panoramic photo is assembled from two separate views.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107071.

  • Lower photo: USS Huron and another U.S. Navy transport at St. Nazaire, circa April-June 1919.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107072.

    S-591, Page 12 (reverse side of Page 11):
  • Three views of U.S. troops embarking on USS Madawaska for passage home from St. Nazaire, France, 23 April 1919.
    -- Paymaster Frederick S. Sullivan, one of Madawaska's officers, is seen in the lower right photo.

    S-591, Page 13:
  • Four photos taken on board USS Madawaska in April-June 1919.
    -- Two views (upper left and lower right) show men on the ship's port bridge wing. Ensign Donard R. Cochran is identified in the upper left photo.
    -- The upper right photo was taken at Charleston Port Terminal, S.C., with USS Huron in the background and some of Madawaska's life rafts in the foreground.
    -- The lower left photo shows waves at sea, seen from on board Madawaska.

    S-591, Page 14 (reverse side of page 13):
  • Four photos taken from USS Madawaska as she approached St. Nazaire, France on 23 April 1919, showing the Loire River and St. Nazaire's outer port facilities.

    S-591, Page 15:
  • Left photo: Church at St. Nazaire, France.

  • Center photo: Three women come aboard USS Madawaska on 1 June 1919.

  • Right photo: View of Madawaska's superstructure, looking aft from her foremast, 28 April 1919.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107073.

    S-591, Page 16 (reverse side of Page 15):
  • Upper left photo: Tug assisting USS Madawaska at St. Nazaire, France on 24 April 1919.

  • Lower left photo: Troops in Madawaska's well deck while en route to the U.S. from France. Note life rafts in the foreground.

  • Upper right photo: Army officers come on board Madawaska at Saint Nazaire, France.

  • Lower right photo: Four of Madawaska's officers using sextants, May 1919. They are Lieutenant Thomas Nilsen, Lieutenant John C. Heck, Ensign Raymond A. Gore and Lieutenant (Junior Grade) Wallace H. Collins.
    Note: For an individual greyscale reproduction of this image, see Photo # NH 107074.


  • To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • If reproduced, images featured on these pages should be credited to the "U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the Online Library's digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

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    Page made 4 October 2010
    Minor formatting corrections made 21 October 2010