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Album S-591, page 1: Boat Yard at Camden, New Jersey, circa 1917-1918

Online Library of Selected Images -- Photo Albums and Collections

Donald R. Cochran's USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. (SP-684) and USS Madawaska (ID # 3011) Photo Album, 1917-1919
(Naval History and Heritage Command Photographic Lot # S-591)
-- General Description

This 26-page coverless album concerns the World War I era Navy service of Donald Robb Cochran. Born in New York State on 21 December 1888, he served as an enlisted crew member of the minesweeper Edward J. McKeever Jr. (SP-684) during 1917-1918. Appointed to commissioned rank as an Ensign (Temporary) in September 1918, he was subsequently assigned to USS Arizona (Battleship # 39) and, beginning in April 1919, to the transport USS Madawaska (ID # 3011). He resigned from the Navy on 7 June 1919, at which time he held the rank of Lieutenant (Junior Grade) (Temporary).

Cochran's album holds 84 photographs (plus one duplicate) of the crews and activities of USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. in the Delaware River/Delaware Bay area, and of USS Madawaska during her Spring 1919 service bringing American troops home from France. Photos of other ships and locations are included, as well as views of people who are either Donald R. Cochran's friends or members of his family. All of the original photos are relatively small, but generally clear and of good quality. It is likely that Cochran was the photographer of most of these images. As of this writing, sixteen of the collection's photographs have been further cataloged with "NH" numbers, and are featured in other "Online Library" subject presentations. All of these are also seen here, with links provided to their "NH" series Picture Data sheets.

The album was purchased in an electronic auction by Dr. Mark Kulikowski, a friend of the Naval History and Heritage Command, who donated it in mid-2010. Its pages were disorganized when obtained, but their internal evidence permitted an accurate chronological reassembly of their order. Only pages 21 and 22 may not be in their proper sequence, though this is uncertain.

For additional relevant information, see:

  • USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. (SP-684), 1917-1919, and
  • USS Madawaska (ID # 3011), 1917-1919.

    To browse through this album page-by-page:

  • Start with Pages 1-8 and follow page links near the bottom of each presentation page.
  • Pages with photographs oriented along the page axis are presented in vertical format. Those whose photographs are oriented perpendicular to the page axis are presented horizontally.

    To go directly to specific pages, click the appropriate entry on the list below:

    Pages 1-8

    Pages 9-16

    Pages 17-26

    For a listing of specific subjects seen in this album, keyed to the pages where they appear, see:

  • Donald R. Cochran's USS Edward J. McKeever Jr. and USS Madawaska Photo Album -- General Description, Part Two.

    Click on the linked page numbers to see small pictures ("thumbnails") of those pages.

    Click on the thumbnails to access larger images of the pages.


  • To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center". Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the "Online Library's" digital images, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Return to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.

    Page made 3 October 2010
    Introductory text updated 15 October 2010