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Online Library of Selected Images:
Family names beginning with the letter A
This page lists all "A" named U.S. citizens and
residents whose pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the person you want is not listed on this page, contact
the Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
Persons are listed below in alphabetical order. Scan down
the list until you find the person you want, then click the entry
to access appropriate image pages.
- Abercrombie,
Elizabeth, Aviation Machinist's Mate 2nd Class, USNR(W),
(in service during World War II)
- Acorn, Albert H., Jr., Ensign, USNRF, (Officer on USS Corsair, 1918)
- Ackerman, Edward,
Lieutenant Commander, USN, (1915-1945)
- Adams, Helen,
Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Class, USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Adams, Marjorie
Daw, Yeoman 1st Class (in service, 1945)
- Adams, Josephine,
Yeoman 1st Class, USNR(W) (in service, 1945)
- Adams, Robert
J., Ensign, USNR, (in service, 1944)
- Adams, Samuel,
Lieutenant, USN, (1912-1942)
- Agerholm, Harold C., Private First Class, USMCR, (1925-1944)
- Ah Sam, Seaman, USN (crewman of the Arctic exploration steamer Jeannette, 1879-1881)
- "Ahern", Ensign, USNRF, (possibly in service, circa 1918)
- Albert, Eugene
H., Chief Musician, USN, (in service, 1951)
- Allen, B.E.,
Lieutenant, USN, (Officer on board USS Boston, 1966)
- Allen, Frank, Landsman,
USN, (in service, 1868)
- Allen, John H.,
Seaman 1st Class, USN, (Crew member on USS Iowan, 1918)
- Allen, Julia W.,
Yeoman 3rd Class (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-1919). Later,
Mrs. B.F. Green
- Allen, Miss Ora
(Maid of Honor to Sponsor of USS Kansas,
- Allen, Seth,
U.S. Navy Sailor, (Killed in action in Korea, 11 June 1871)
- Allen, William H.,
Commander, USN, (1784-1813)
- Allingham, James J.,
Passed Assistant Surgeon, USN, (ca. 1838-1865)
- Alsgood, H.B., (Possibly a crew member of, or passenger on, USS George Washington in 1919)
- Alvis, Susie,
Seaman 1st Class (Aviation Metalsmith), USNR(W), (in service,
- Ambler, James M.,
Passed Assistant Surgeon, USN, (1848-1881)
- Ambrogi, Mrs. Sebastian (Edith M. Giovannoni), (1898-1977)
- Miss Anderson
(Navy Department clerical worker, 1918-19. Possibly a Yeoman-F)
- Anderson, Aaron,
Landsman, USN, (18??-????)
- Anderson, Edwin A.,
Rear Admiral, USN, (1860-1933)
- Anderson, Audrey,
Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Class, USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Anderson, Edwin Maffitt,
Lieutenant, Confederate States Navy, (in service, 1861-1865)
- Anderson, John,
Aviation Machinist's Mate 1st Class, USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Anderson, Richard B.,
Private First Class, USMC, (1921-1944)
- Anderson, Robert B.
(1910-1989). Secretary of the Navy, 1953-1954
- Anderson, Mrs. Walter A., (Sponsor of USS Grenadier, 1940)
- Anderson, William
D., Lieutenant Commander, USN, (in service, 1941)
- Andreasen, Grant G.,
Lieutenant, USNR, (1916-1997)
- Andrews, John,
Ordinary Seaman, USN, (Born 1821)
- Andringa, Wallace W., Musician, USN, (Crew member of USS Siboney, circa 1918-1919)
- "Andy" (Crewman on USS Isabel, circa 1933-1934)
- Anequin, (dog driver with the Arctic exploration steamer Jeannette, 1879-1881)
- Anthony, Stanley
Thomas, Electrician First Class, USN, (lost with USS
Chauncey, 1917)
- Anthony, William,
Sergeant Major, USMC, (1853-1899)
- Antrim, Richard N.,
Rear Admiral, USN (Retired), (1907-1969)
- Apellonia, Charles,
Musician 3rd Class (in service, 1945)
- Arbor, Jesse
W., Ensign, USNR, (Commissioned, 1944)
- Armstrong, Richard F.,
First Lieutenant, Confederate States Navy, (18??-1904)
- Arnold, Harry C., Musician 1st Class, USN, (in service aboard USS Columbia, 1904-05)
- Arnold, Mary,
Aviation Machinist's Mate, USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Arntzen, G.S.,
(Sailor on board USS Concord, circa 1933)
- Askew,
Electronics Technician 1st Class, (in service, circa 1973-1975)
- Atkins, Daniel,
Chief Commissary Steward, USN, (1866-1923)
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 13 January 2001
Coding updated 5 May 2009