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Online Library of Selected Images:
Family names beginning with the letter D
This page lists all "D" named U.S. citizens and
residents whose pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the person you want is not listed on this page, contact
the Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
Persons are listed below in alphabetical order. Scan down
the list until you find the person you want, then click the entry
to access appropriate image pages.
- D'Ascensio, Angelina. (Angelina Giovannoni). (served as a Yeomanette during the World War I era)
- Damato, Anthony P.,
Corporal, USMC, (1922-1944)
- Dale, Richard,
Commodore, USN, (1756-1826)
- Dalton, "Jack" (or "Pop"), Watertender, USN, (crew member of USS Margaret, circa 1917-1918)
- Daly, Edward M., Ship's Cook 4th Class, USN, (lost with USS President Lincoln, 31 May 1918)
- Danenhower, John W.,
Lieutenant, USN, (1849-1887)
- Dare, Nadine, (World War II era WAVE)
- Daub, Herbert E., Captain. (Master of USNS General Maurice Rose, circa 1960)
- Dauser, Sue S.,
Captain, Nurse Corps, USN, (1888-1972)
- David, Albert L.,
Lieutenant, USN, (1902-1945)
- Davidson, Hunter,
Commander, Confederate States Navy, (1827-1913)
- Miss Davis (Navy Department clerical worker, 1919. Possibly a Yeoman-F)
- Davis, George F.,
Commander, USN, (1911-1945)
- Davis, Mrs. H.C., (Sponsor of USS Valcour, 1943)
- Davis, John,
Quarter Gunner, USN, (18??-????)
- Davis, Lilton W., Chief Machinist's Mate, USN, (Stationed at Fleet Ballistic Missile Submarine Training Center, Charleston, South Carolina, 1976)
- Davis, Samuel W.,
Ordinary Seaman, USN, (Born 1845)
- Day, E.C., Lieutenant (Junior Grade), USNR(W), (in service, 1945)
- Dealey, Samuel D.,
Commander, USN, (1906-1944)
- Dean, Mrs. Arthur, of Nevada, Iowa. (Recipient of a post card from her son, a Soldier who returned to the United States on USS Texan, August 1919)
- DeBlanc, Jefferson J., Colonel, USMCR, (1921-2007)
- Decatur, Stephen,
Commodore, USN, (1779-1820)
- Decker, (crewmember of USS Hisko, 1918)
- Decker, Bernard C., Ensign. (in service, circa late 1918)
- Deglen, Coxwain, USN. (Crew member on USS Connecticut, circa 1908)
- Deignan, Osborn W.,
Boatswain, USN, (1877-1916)
- DeLong, George W.,
Lieutenant Commander, USN, (1844-1881)
- Dent, John H.,
Captain, USN, (1782-1823)
- DeSomer, Abraham,
Lieutenant Commander, USN (Retired), (1884-1974)
- De Wert, Richard,
Hospitalman, USN, (1931-1951)
- De Worth, G., (Sailor on board USS Concord, circa 1933)
- Dexter, John M., Second Assistant Engineer, USN, (Civil War Officer on USS Coeur de Lion)
- Diamond, David M., Lieutenant Commander, USNR. (Officer on USS Renville, 1945)
- Dickerson, Mahlon
(1770-1853). Secretary of the Navy, 1834-1838
- Dickson, Harlan R.,
Lieutenant Commander, USN, (1914-1944)
- Diederich, Miss Elsa, (Sponsor of USS Conner, 1917)
- Dietlin, Martha, Yeoman 3rd Class, USNR(W), (in service, circa 1944-45)
- Diggins, Bartholomew,
Ordinary Seaman, USN, (1844-1917)
- Dillon, (Enlisted crew member of USS S-2, 1921)
- Dillon, Katherine, Specialist (T), USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Dingler,
(Crewmember of USS Houston in 1940-41)
- Donaho, Glynn R.,
Vice Admiral, USN, (1905-1986)
- Donaldson (Enlisted crewman on USS Makin Island, 1945)
- Donley, Marie Johnston, (Married name of World War II WAVE)
- Donohue (Crewmember of USS West Virginia, circa 1911)
- Dooley, Helen Lu, Specialist (Y), USNR(W) (in service, circa 1944-45)
- Dooling, W.J., Seaman Apprentice, USN (crewman on USS Seawolf, 1957)
- Doolittle, James H.,
General, U.S. Air Force, (1896-1993)
- Doolittle, Mrs. James H. (Sponsor of USS Shangri-La, 1944)
- Doughton, Mrs. Florence C., (Sponsor of USS Jacob Jones, 1918)
- Dow, Frank L., Lieutenant Commander, USNRF. (Commanding Officer of USS Iowan, 1919)
- Downard, Ruth Mary, (World War II era WAVE)
- Drayton, Percival, Captain, USN (1812-1865)
- Dressler, Adolf, Seaman, USN (crewman of the Arctic exploration steamer Jeannette, 1879-1881)
- Drexler, Henry C., Ensign, USN (1901-1924)
- Du Bois, Warren C., Lieutenant (Junior Grade), USN, (Officer on USS Madawaska, 1919)
- Dugan, F.L., Seaman 2nd Class, USN, (Crewmember of USS Boston, 1944)
- Dulitz, Bertha Sobel,
Yeoman (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-19)
- Dunbar, William,
- Duncan, James K.L.,
Ordinary Seaman, USN, (1845-?; in service, 1864)
- Duncan, R.K., Yeoman 2nd Class, USN (Crewman on USS Makin Island, 1945)
- Dunlap, Robert H.,
Brigadier General, USMC, (1879-1931)
- Dunlap, Robert H.,
Major, USMCR (Retired), (1920-2000)
- Dunlap, Mrs. S.B. (Sponsor of USS Timbalier, 1943)
- Dunn, George H, (Enlisted crew member on USS Cebu and original owner of an album concerning that ship and her crew.)
- Dunn, Robert, (World War II enlisted Sailor, probably a crew member on USS Cebu)
- DuPeraul (Enlisted crewman on USS Makin Island, 1945)
- Durell, Edward H., Captain, USN, (Commanding Officer of USS Leviathan, 1919)
- Durney, Austin J.,
Blacksmith, USN, (1867-1926)
- Dusenbery, Durell, Chief Boatswain's Mate, USN, (in service, 1936)
- Duvall, Mrs. C.L. & her husband, the Mayor of Kewaunee, Wisconsin (Sponsor of Army Cargo Ship FP-344, 1944)
- Dyess, Aquilla J.,
Lieutenant Colonel, USMCR, (1909-1944)
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History
and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 13 January 2001
New person added 18 October 2010