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Online Library of Selected Images:
Family names beginning with the letter F
This page lists all "F" named U.S. citizens and
residents whose pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the person you want is not listed on this page, contact
the Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
Persons are listed below in alphabetical order. Scan down
the list until you find the person you want, then click the entry
to access appropriate image pages.
- Falkum, Violet,
Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Class, USNR(W), (in service, 1943)
- Fallis, F.J., Chief Quartermaster, USN (Crewman on USS Makin Island, 1945)
- Farquhar, Norman Von Heidreich, Rear Admiral, USN, (1840-1907)
- Farley, William,
Boatswain's Mate, USN, (born in 1835)
- Fechteler, William M.,
Admiral, USN, (1896-1967). Chief of Naval Operations, 1951-1953
- Fee, Ann G., Yeoman 2nd Class, USNR(W), (in service, circa 1944)
- Feldstein, Shirley, Aviation Metalsmith, USNR(W), (in service during World War II)
- Feller, Robert William ("Bob"),
Chief Specialist, USN(R?), (1918-____)
- Fichtelberg, Nathaniel, Musician 2nd Class, USN, (in service aboard USS Columbia, 1904-05)
- Field, Frances Gormley,
Yeoman 2nd Class (F), USNRF, (in service, 1918-19)
- Figg, Ellen, Yeoman 3rd Class, (in service, World War II)
- Finn, John William.,
Lieutenant, USN, (1909-____)
- Finney, Mrs. Edwin C.,
(Madeline Clara Lassuy, Nurse, USN)
- Fisher, Mrs. Harry Hutchins (Elizabeth Osborne) (Co-Sponsor of USS Osborne, 1919)
- Fisher, Jack, Ensign, USNR. (in service, World War II)
- Fiske, Bradley A.,
Rear Admiral, USN, (1854-1942)
- Fitch, Aubrey W.,
Admiral, USN, (1883-1978)
- Fitch, Gwyneth
- Fitzgerald, Margaret Mary,
Chief Yeoman (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-1919). Later,
Mrs. Joseph A. King
- Fitzgerald, James R., Rear Admiral, USN. (in service, 1991)
- Flaherty, Francis C.,
Ensign, USNR, (1919-1941)
- Flambeau, Margaret, Yeoman (F), USNRF (in service, 1919)
- Flavin, Robert J. (Sick Bay patient on USS Haven, 1956)
- Fletcher, Frank Friday,
Admiral, USN, (1855-1928)
- Fletcher, Frank Jack,
Admiral, USN, (1885-1973)
- Flood, Mrs. Daniel, (Sponsor of USS Dale, 1962)
- Flory, Urban. (Resident of Napoleon, Ohio. Recipient of a post card mailed at Camp Merritt, N.J., on 6 May 1919)
- Fluckey, Eugene B., Rear Admiral, USN, (1913-____)
- Flusser, Charles Williamson,
Lieutenant Commander, USN, (1832-1864)
- Folger, Edith, (Recipient of post card citing USS Great Northern, 1919)
- Folz, Arthur F., Ensign. (in service, circa late 1918)
- Miss Foreman (Navy Department clerical worker, 1919)
- Forbes, Katherine Louise
(Maiden name of Mrs. William B. Cushing)
- Ford, George E.,
Captain, USN (Retired), (1919-2009)
- Forgy, Howell,
Commander, USN (ChC), (1908-1972)
- Formichella, M.R., Chief Yeoman, USN (Crewman on USS Makin Island, 1945)
- Forrest,
Internal Communications Electrician 2nd Class, (in service, circa 1973-1975)
- Fort, Eloise,
Yeoman (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-19)
- Fort, J.A.,
(Apparently a crewman on USS Congress sometime in the 1842-1862 era)
- Fortier, L.E., Seaman Apprentice, USN (Crewman on USS Kroonland, 1919)
- Foster, Mrs. John S., Jr., (Sponsor of USS Trippe, 1969)
- Foster, Margaret,
Yeoman (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-19). Later, Mrs. Stuart
- Foster, Paul F.,
Vice Admiral, USNR (Retired), (1889-1972)
- Foulkes, Harry (Resident of Elizabeth, New Jersey, and recipient of a postcard mailed from USS Otsego on 25 May 1919)
- Fowler (Crewmember of USS West Virginia, circa 1911)
- Fox, Charles W.,
Vice Admiral, USN (Supply Corps), (1894-1975)
- Fox, Gustavus V. (1821-1883). Assistant Secretary of the Navy, 1861-1866
- Francis, Fred Dewey (Crewmember of USS Cleveland, circa 1918-1919)
- Frazier, Annie Keith (Mrs. R.N. Somerville), (Sponsor of USS Tennessee, 1904)
- Freeman, Miles J.,
First Assistant Engineer, Confederate States Navy, (in service,
- Freels (Crewmember of USS West Virginia, circa 1911)
- French, Edith Walker,
Yeoman (F), USNRF, (in service, circa 1918-19)
- Fugler, Harry, Ensign, USNRF, (Officer of USS Pueblo, 1918)
- Fuller, U.S. Navy Commander. (Passenger on USNS General Maurice Rose, circa the 1950s)
- Fultz, Miss Helen. (Resident of Winchester, Massachusetts and recipient of a postcard mailed by a crew member of USS Tuna in 1917)
- Funk, C.F., Aviation Machinist's Mate 3rd Class, USNR(W), (in service during World War II)
- Fuqua, Samuel G.,
Rear Admiral, USN, (1899-1987)
- Fusco, Margaret Jean, Yeoman 3rd Class (in service, 1945)
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and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 13 January 2001
New person added 15 February 2010