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Online Library of Selected Images:
The Ships of the Confederate States section of the
Online Library provides ready access to pictures of ships and
named craft which served the Confederacy during 1861-1865.
These include ships of the Confederate States Navy, the navies
of the various individual states of the Confederacy, privateers
commissioned by the Confederacy or any of the Confederate States,
and other vessels that served the purposes of the Confederate
This page lists all Named ships of the Confederate
States whose photos are available in the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
Ships of the Confederate States are listed below in alphabetical
order. Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then
click its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- Admiral (C.S. Steamship,
- Advance (C.S. Blockade Running Steamer, 1863-1864). Also called A.D. Vance
- Alabama (C.S.
Navy Cruiser, 1862-1864)
- Albemarle (C.S.
Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1864)
- Alexandra (prospective
C.S. Navy Cruiser, 1863)
- Alvarado (Prize Bark, destroyed August 1861)
- Arkansas (C.S.
Navy Ironclad Ram, 1862-1862)
- Atlanta (C.S. Navy
Ironclad Ram, 1862-1863), later USS Atlanta (1864-1869)
- Baltic (C.S. Navy
Ironclad Ram, 1862-1864)
- Bat
(Blockade Runner, 1864-1864)
- Bayou City (C.S. Army Gunboat, 1861-1865)
- Beauregard (C.S.
Navy Steamer, 1861-1864)
- Bombshell (C.S.
Navy Steamship, 1864-1864)
- Calhoun
(C.S. Gunboat, 1861-1862)
- Capitol (C.S. Navy
River Steamship, 1862-1862)
- Chattahoochee (C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1863-1864)
- Chesapeake
(Prize Steamer, captured 1863)
- Chickamauga (C.S. Navy
Cruiser, 1864-1865)
- Chicora (C.S. Navy
Ironclad Ram, 1862-1865
- City of Vicksburg
(C.S. Steamship, 1862-1863)
- Clifton
(C.S. Gunboat, 1863-1864)
- Colonel Lamb (Blockade Runner, 1864)
- Colonel Lovell
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1861-1862)
- Columbia (C.S.
Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864)
- Darlington
(C.S. Steamship, 1861-1862)
- David (C.S. Torpedo Boat,
1863-1865?). Also other torpedo boats of the "David" type
- "David, Large" (Confederate Steamship, 1865)
- De Soto (C.S. Gunboat,
- Dick Keys (Steamship, active in 1861)
- Ella and Annie (Blockade Running Steamship, 1861-1863). Originally named William G. Hewes
- Enchantress (Prize Schooner, captured July 1861)
- Florida (C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1861-1864), renamed Selma in 1862.
- Florida
(Blockade Runner, 1862)
- Florida (C.S. Navy
Cruiser, 1862-1864)
- Fredericksburg (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1865)
- Gaines
(C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1862-1864)
- General Beauregard
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- General Bragg
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- General Earl Van Dorn
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- General Lee (C.S.
Army Transport, 1861(?)-1864)
- General M. Jeff Thompson
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- General Sterling Price
(C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1861-1862)
- General Sumter
(Louisiana State vessel and C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1861-1862)
- George Page
(C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1861-1862). Possibly later renamed City of Richmond
- Georgia
(C.S. Navy Cruiser, 1863-1864)
- Georgia
(C.S. Navy Ironclad Floating Battery, 1862-1864)
- Georgia (C.S. Navy Cruiser). Not delivered. Became Peruvian corvette America
- Governor Moore
(Louisiana State vessel and C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- Grampus (C.S. Navy
River Steamship, 1862-1862)
- H.L. Hunley (Submarine,
- Henry, Patrick (C.S. Navy Steamer, 1861-1865). Properly called Patrick Henry
- Ida (C.S. Navy Steamer,
- Jackson (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1865). Also known as CSS Muscogee
- Jamestown (C.S. Navy Steamer, 1861-1862). Also known as CSS Thomas Jefferson
- Jefferson Davis (C.S. Privateer Brig, 1861). Also known as Jeff Davis.
- John Simonds (C.S.
Army Steamship, 1862)
- Kanawha Valley
(C.S. Hospital Ship, 1862)
- "Large David" (Confederate Steamship, 1865)
- Lewis (Steamship, active in 1861)
- Little Rebel (C.S.
River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- Louisiana (C.S.
Navy Ironclad, 1862)
- Louisville (C.S. Army River Cargo Steamer, 1863-1863),
see USS Ouachita
- Mars (C.S. Transport
Steamship, 1862)
- Manassas (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1861)
- McRae (C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1861-1862)
- "Merrimac", or "Merrimack" (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1862-1862). Properly called Virginia
- Midge (C.S. Torpedo Boat, 1864-1865)
- Mississippi (Ironclad Turret Ship, seized while under construction in England and became HMS Wivern)
- Muscogee (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1865). Also known as CSS Jackson
- Nansemond (C.S. Navy
Gunboat, 1862-1865)
- Nashville (C.S. Navy
Cruiser, 1861-1862). Later Blockade Runner Thomas L. Wragg and Privateer Rattlesnake
- Nashville (C.S. Navy
Ironclad, 1863-1865)
- Neptune (C.S. Army
Tug, circa 1862-1863)
- North Carolina (Ironclad Turret Ship, seized while under construction in England and became HMS Scorpion)
- Ohio Belle (C.S.
Steamship, 1862)
- Palmetto State (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1862-1865
- Patrick Henry (C.S. Navy Steamer, 1861-1865)
- Planter
(C.S. Army Transport, 1862)
- Prince (C.S. Transport
Steamship, 1861-1862)
- Queen of the West
(C.S. Army Ram, 1863-1863)
- Red Rover (C.S.
Accomodation Ship, 1861-1862)
- Rappahannock (C.S.
Navy Cruiser, 1863-1865)
- Rattlesnake (C.S.
Privateer, 1862-1863). Formerly CSS Nashville
- Richmond (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1862-1865)
- Robert E. Lee
(C.S. Blockade Runner, 1862-1863)
- Saint Patrick (C.S. Torpedo Boat, 1864-1865)
- Satellite
(C.S. Tug, 1863)
- Savannah (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1863-1864)
- Selma (C.S. Navy Gunboat, 1861-1864), named Florida in 1861-62. Later USS Selma (1864-1865)
- Shenandoah (C.S. Navy Cruiser, 1864-1865)
- Simonds (C.S. Army
Steamship, 1862), properly called John Simonds
- Stonewall (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1865)
- Sumter (C.S. Navy Cruiser, 1861-1862)
- Stonewall Jackson (C.S. River Defense Fleet Ram, 1862)
- Teaser (C.S.
Navy Armed Tug, 1861-1862). Later USS Teaser (1862-1865)
- Tennessee (Steamship, 1862)
- Tennessee (C.S.
Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1864). Later USS Tennessee (1864-1867)
- Texas (C.S.
Navy Ironclad Ram, 1865)
- Thomas Jefferson (C.S. Navy Steamer, 1861-1862). Also known as CSS Jamestown
- Vicksburg (C.S.
Steamship, 1862-1863), also called City of Vicksburg
- Virginia (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1862-1862, ex-USS Merrimack)
- Virginia II (C.S. Navy Ironclad Ram, 1864-1865)
- Webb (C.S. Army & Navy
Ram, 1862-1865)
- William G. Hewes (Blockade Running Steamship, 1861-1863). Later renamed Ella and Annie
- Yazoo (C.S. Transport
Steamship, 1862)
- Yorktown (C.S. Navy Steamer, 1861-1865). Properly called Patrick Henry
To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 7 May 1999
Coding updated 11 May 2009