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Photo # NH 99071:  USS Henry R. Mallory arriving in New York Harbor from France, 1919

Online Library of Selected Images:

USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280), 1918-1919.
Previously and later the civilian passenger steamer Henry R. Mallory (1916)

USS Henry R. Mallory, a 6200 gross ton transport, was built at Newport News, Virginia, in 1916 as a commercial passenger steamship. After the U.S. entered World War I she was employed by the War Department to take troops to France, and in April 1918 she was acquired by the Navy and soon placed in commission. For the remainder of the conflict, Henry R. Mallory continued the vital work of taking U.S. forces to the war zone. After the 11 November 1918 Armistice, she helped bring veterans of the "Great War" back to the United States. USS Henry R. Mallory was decommissioned in mid-September 1919 and transferred to the War Department about a month later.

Resuming her commercial career between the World Wars, Henry R. Mallory was again employed as a troopship during World War II. Under U.S. Army direction, but civilian operated, she made voyages to the United Kingdom, Halifax and Iceland between July 1942 and January 1943. On 7 February 1943, while en route to Northern Ireland from New York with convoy SC-118, SS Henry R. Mallory was torpedoed and sunk south of Iceland by the German submarine U-402. Of the nearly 500 crewmen, Navy Armed Guardsmen and passengers on board, over 270 lost their lives in the torpedoing or while awaiting rescue in the winter seas of the North Atlantic.

This page features, and provides links to, all the views we have concerning USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280) and the civilian steamship Henry R. Mallory.

For more images related to this ship, see:

  • USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280) -- On Board and Close Up Views.

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Click on the small photograph to prompt a larger view of the same image.

    Photo #: NH 103290

    S.S. Henry R. Mallory
    (American Passenger Ship, 1916)

    Halftone reproduction of an artwork, showing the ship prior to her U.S. Navy service. She was USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280) in 1918-1919.
    This image is one of ten photographs published circa 1918-1919 in a "Souvenir Folder" of views of and on board USS Henry R. Mallory.

    Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2005.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 71KB; 740 x 420 pixels

    Photo #: NH 53518

    USS Hendry R. Mallory
    (ID # 1280)

    At the New York Navy Yard, 6 September 1918, while painted in pattern camouflage.

    Official U.S. Navy Photograph, from the collections of the Naval History and Heritage Command.

    Online Image: 82KB; 740 x 615 pixels

    Photo #: NH 99071

    USS Henry R. Mallory
    (ID # 1280)

    Arriving in New York Harbor from France in 1919, with her decks crowded with homeward bound troops.
    Photographed by Jno. W. Allison, 42 West 39th St., New York City.

    Donation of Robert W. Fisher, February 1974.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 91KB; 740 x 465 pixels

    Photo #: NH 105950

    USS Henry R. Mallory
    (ID # 1280)

    In port in 1919, while employed bringing troops home from Europe.

    Donation of Captain Stephen S. Roberts, USNR (Retired), 2008.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 65KB; 740 x 455 pixels

    Photo #: NH 99080

    USS Henry R. Mallory
    (ID # 1280)

    In port, circa 1918-1919.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 66KB; 740 x 380 pixels

    Photo #: NH 99291

    S.S. Henry R. Mallory
    (American Passenger Steamship, 1916)

    Halftone reproduction of a photograph taken while the ship was in port, circa 1942 or early 1943, while she was serving as a civilian-operated troopship.
    This ship served as USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280) in 1918-1919. She was torpedoed and sunk in February 1943.

    Copied from the book "Troopships of World War II", by Roland W. Charles.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 99KB; 740 x 415 pixels

    Photo #: NH 103289-KN (color)

    USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280)

    "Souvenir Folder" published circa 1918-1919, featuring nine halftone reproductions of photographs taken on board the ship, plus an artwork of Henry R. Mallory prior to her U.S. Navy service.
    The individual photographs have Photo #s NH 103290, NH 103291, NH 103292, NH 103293, NH 103294,
    NH 103295, NH 103296, NH 103297, NH 103298, and NH 103299.

    Donation of Dr. Mark Kulikowski, 2005.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 67KB; 440 x 765 pixels

    Photo #: NH 82951

    "The Original U.S. Troop Transports"

    Chart compiled 16 August 1919, showing the number of trans-Atlantic "turn arounds" and their average duration for thirty seven U.S. Navy troop transports employed during and immediately after World War I.

    Collection of the USS Pocahontas Reunion Association, 1974.

    U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command Photograph.

    Online Image: 157KB; 690 x 655 pixels

    Click here to rotate chart 90 degrees clockwise


    For more images related to this ship, see:

  • USS Henry R. Mallory (ID # 1280) -- On Board and Close Up Views.


  • To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded and used for any purpose.

  • Some images linked from this page bear obsolete credit lines citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center". Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval History and Heritage Command".

    If you want higher resolution reproductions than the digital images presented here, see: "How to Obtain Photographic Reproductions."

    Return to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.

    Page made 11 January 2004
    New image added 18 February 2009