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Online Library of Selected Images:
with One Smokestack and No Single Masts
Twenty-five of the U.S. Navy's WWI era cargo ships had one smokestack and no single masts. Most of them had two pairs of kingposts where the normal two masts would have been fitted.
To facilitate identification, these vessels have been placed in nine sub-groups, some containing ships of essentially identical design ("sister ships"), while others consist of quite different designs. The latter are further subdivided as to whether they were built in the United States or abroad.
This page features a table (with links to individual ships) of World War I era U.S. Navy cargo ships with one smokestack and no single masts, plus a photograph of each ship in this group.
Ships in this group:
TWENTY-FIVE SHIPS with ONE SMOKESTACK (Funnel) and NO SINGLE MASTS, subdivided as shown below:
Click each ship name to access that
ship's complete Online Library entry.
Click the small photographs to prompt a larger view of the same image, and the words "Picture Data" to access the Picture Data Sheet for that image.
ONE SHIP -- Flush Main Deck and six tall kingpost pairs: Luckenbach 447-foot type built by Seattle Const. Later served as transport.
Walter A. Luckenbach, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Walter A. Luckenbach, 1917).
8286 Gross Tons; Length 447.0'; Breadth 55.9'
ONE SHIP -- Two hull islands (forecastle and poop) and four kingpost pairs: Foreign built trunk deck steamer.
Severance, USN 1918-1919 (British built, ex Costa Rican S.S. Marina Quezada, 1909).
4927 Gross Tons; Length 366'; Breadth 53'
TWELVE SHIPS -- Three hull islands and two kingpost pairs: Precursors to Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1042 (Laker)
Lake Charlotte, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Charlotte, 1918).
2239 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Lake Charlotte
Lake Conesus, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Conesus, 1918).
2292 Gross Tons; Length 253.5'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake Elizabeth, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Elizabeth, 1917).
2308 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Lake Elizabeth
Lake Harris, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Harris, 1918).
2217 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake Mary, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Mary, 1918).
2292 Gross Tons; Length 253.5'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake Ontario, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Ontario, 1917).
2003 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake Pewaukee, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Pewaukee, 1918).
2167 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake Pleasant, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Pleasant, 1918).
2221 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Lake Pleasant
Lake Silver, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake Silver, 1918).
2292 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Lake Silver
Lake St. Clair, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake St. Clair, 1917).
2308 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
Lake St. Regis, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lake St. Regis, 1917).
2238 Gross Tons; Length 253.5'; Breadth 43.5'
Lakeview, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Lakeview, 1917).
2003 Gross Tons; Length 251'; Breadth 43.5'
TWO SHIPS -- Three hull islands and two kingpost pairs: Precursors to Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1063. (Three sisters are listed on the refrigerated cargo ship page.)
Hickman, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Hickman, 1918).
5121 Gross Tons; Length 377.0'; Breadth 52.0' (cargo)
Morristown, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Morristown, 1918).
5119 Gross Tons; Length 377.0'; Breadth 52' (cargo)
ONE SHIP -- Three hull islands and three kingpost pairs: Fore River SB 389-foot type
Cohasset, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Cohasset, 1918).
5769 Gross Tons; Length 389.0'; Breadth 54.5'
THREE SHIPS -- Three hull islands and three kingpost pairs: Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1013 and precursors
Absaroka, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Absaroka, 1917).
5568 Gross Tons; Length 410.5'; Breadth 54'
Westchester, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Westchester, 1917).
5623 Gross Tons; Length 410.5'; Breadth 54'
Westward Ho, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Westward Ho, 1917).
5814 Gross Tons; Length 410.5'; Breadth 54'
FIVE SHIPS -- Three hull islands and three kingpost pairs: Emergency Fleet Corporation Design 1046 and precursors
Berwyn, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Berwyn, 1918).
4992 Gross Tons; Length 377'; Breadth 52'
Cape Henry, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Cape Henry, 1918).
4992 Gross Tons; Length 377'; Breadth 52.0'
Cape Lookout, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Cape Lookout, 1918).
4986 Gross Tons; Length 377'; Breadth 52'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Cape Lookout
Cape Romain, USN 1918-1919 (ex American S.S. Cape Romain, 1918).
4951 Gross Tons; Length 377'; Breadth 52'
No image is available (or known to exist) of USS Cape Romain
Hatteras, USN 1917-1919 (ex American S.S. Hatteras, 1917).
4919 Gross Tons; Length 377'; Breadth 52'
NOTE: Two later ships of EFC Design 1046, similar to these but with a normal rig of two single masts, were acquired by the Navy from the Shipping Board in 1921 and served through World War II as USS Gold Star (AG-12) and Regulus (AK-14).
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Page made 22 December 2007