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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter E
This page lists all E-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
E-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- E.L. Doheny, Third (Tanker, 1918). Later renamed F.H. Wickett and E.G. Seubert
- E.G. Seubert (Tanker, 1918). Previously named E.L. Doheny, Third and F.H. Wickett
- E.T. Williams (Harbor Tug, 1898)
- Eagle (Steamship,
- Eagle
(Motor Boat, 1909)
- Eagle (Freighter,
1917). Later renamed Peerless
- Eaglet (Motor Boat, 1911)
- East Hampton (Trawler, 1913)
- Eastern Chief (Freighter, 1917). Originally named Yoshida Maru # 3
- Eastern Queen (Freighter, 1918). Originally named Tofuku Maru
- Easterner (Freighter, 1918). Originally named Seifuku Maru # 20
- Eclipse (Auxiliary Schooner, 1906)
- Economy (Barge, 1909)
- Edamena II (Motor Boat, 1916)
- Edenton
(Freighter, 1918)
- Edgar F. Coney (Tug, 1904)
- Edgar F. Luckenbach (Tug, 1891). Later named Luckenbach Number 2
- Edgar F. Luckenbach
(Freighter, 1916)
- Edgecombe
(Freighter, 1918)
- Edith (Freighter, 1915)
- Edith II (Motor Boat, 1917)
- Edith B. (Powered Lighter, 1913). Later renamed Catherine Johnson
- Edith M. III
(Motor Boat, 1909)
- Edithena
(Motor Boat, 1914)
- Edithia
(Motor Boat, 1909). Also named Alfredine IV
- Edorea
(Motor Yacht, 1909). Originally named Monaloa
- Edward Luckenbach (Freighter, 1916)
- Edward S. Atwood (American Harbor Tug, in service 1918)
- Edwards, Wilbert A. (Fishing Vessel, 1911). Properly called Wilbert A. Edwards
- Edwin Christenson (American Freighter, 1918). Previously named West Wind
- Edwin L. Pilsbury (Harbor Tug, 1906)
- Efco (Motor Boat, 1912)
- Egon
(German 4-masted Bark, in service circa 1917)
- Eitel Friedrich, Prinz (German Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1901). Properly called Prinz Eitel Friedrich
- Eitel Friedrich, Prinz (German Passenger Steamer, 1904). Properly called Prinz Eitel Friedrich
- El Dia (Passenger-Cargo
Ship, 1901)
- El Capitan (Freighter, 1917)
- El Occidente (Freighter, 1910)
- El Oriente (Freighter, 1910)
- El Salvador
(Passenger Ship, 1918). Previously named Santa Luisa. Later renamed Santa Ana and Mount McKinley
- El Sol (Freighter, 1910)
- Elco # 7 (Motor Boat,
- Elco 10 (Motor Boat,
- Eleanor (Yacht,
1894). Later named Wacouta
- Eleanor (Motor Boat,
1910). Previously named Tringa
- Elf (Motor Boat,
- Elinor (Freighter,
1918). Formerly named General de Castlenau
- Elithro II (Motor Boat,
- Elizabeth (Motor Boat,
in service 1917)
- Elizabeth (Motor Boat,
- Elizabeth (Refrigerated Cargo Ship, 1918). Previously named Stian, Muscatine and Floridian
- Ella and Annie (Blockade Running Steamship, 1860). Originally, and later, named William G. Hewes
- Ellen
(Motor Boat, 1911)
- Ellen (Motor Boat,
- Elliott (Harbor Tug,
1875). Formerly named Wauwatosa
- Elmasada
(Motor Boat, 1909)
- Elmshorn (German Freighter 1910). Later renamed Casco
- Elsie III
(Motor Boat, 1912)
- Embry, Annie B. (Barge, 1905). Properly called Annie B. Embry
- Emeline (Steam Yacht, 1898). Previously named Katoomba and Rivera. Later named Katharine R.
- Emmigrant (Motor Boat, 1918)
- Empire Kangaroo
(British Freighter, 1918). Originally named Mercer. Later renamed Parthenia, Erminia Mazzella and Pina Onorato
- Empire Porpoise
(British Freighter, 1918). Previously named War Rock and Invincible. Later renamed Chrysanthemum, Chryss and Athlit
- Empire Raven (British Freighter, 1918). Originally named Oskawa. Later renamed Southern Raven
- Empress
(Steam Yacht, built 1882). Previously named Sophia. Later renamed Onondaga, Turbese and Reposo II
- Enchantress
(Schooner, captured July 1861)
- Eolus
(Coastal Steamship, 1864)
- Eraclea (Italian & Greek Fishing Vessel & Tug, 1912). Originally named Winfield S. Cahill
- Erickson, Alexander H. (Harbor Tug, 1917). Properly called Alexander H. Erickson
- Erminia Mazzella
(Italian Freighter, 1918). Previously named Mercer, Empire Kangaroo and Parthenia. Later renamed Pina Onorato
- Erodiade (Austrian Freighter, 1912). Later renamed Keresan
- Eschersheim (Dutch Freighter, 1913). Previously named Westerdijk
- Este (Freighter, 1917). Previously named War Fox, Lake Forest, Venetier and Tabakhandel. Later renamed Chollin, Rafael Aritzia, San Patricio, Mary V. and Kadio S.
- Eten (German Passenger Steamer, 1907)
- Ethel & Lillian
(American Barge, in service circa 1917-1919)
- Ethel M. Ward (Motor Boat, 1910). Later renamed Rickwood
- Etolin (Passenger
Steamer, 1913). Originally named Matsonia
- Eugenia (Steam Yacht, 1899). Also named Marjorie and Margaret
- Euphrates
(Whaling Ship, destroyed 22 June 1865 by CSS Shendandoah)
- Eurana (Freighter, 1916). Later renamed Alamar
- Eureka
(American Tug, in service, 1919)
- Eutaw (Steamship,
1865-1869). Originally S.S. Dawn (built 1856-57)
- Evelyn (Freighter, 1912)
- Express # 4 (Motor Boat, 1917)
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History
and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 14 May 2002
New ships added 31 January 2011