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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter R
This page lists all R-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
R-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- R.R. Cuyler
(Screw Steamship, 1860)
- Raazoo (Motor Boat, 1916). Formerly named Boomerang II
- Radiant (Tug, 1903)
- Radnor (Freighter, 1918). Originally named War Indian
- Raeo (Motor Boat, 1908)
- Rafael Aritzia (Freighter, 1917). Previously named War Fox, Lake Forest, Venetier, Tabakhandel, Este and Chollin. Later renamed San Patricio, Mary V. and Kadio S.
- Rambler (Steam Yacht, 1900)
- Randwijk (Dutch Freighter, 1912)
- Ranger (Steam Yacht, 1910)
- Ransom B. Fuller (Coastal Passenger Steamship, 1902)
- Rattlesnake
(Confederate Privateer, 1862-63). Formerly CSS Nashville
- Raymond (Barge, 1893)
- Raymond Humphreys (Fishing Vessel, in service circa 1940-1941)
- Raymond J. Anderton (Fishing Vessel, 1911)
- Remlik (Steam Yacht, 1901). Previously named Candace
- Red Cross (Hospital Ship, 1899). Originally named Hamburg. Later renamed Hudson and President Fillmore
- Regis II (Motor Boat,
- Registan (British Freighter, 1910). Later renamed Guantanamo
- Reliance (Harbor Tug, in service in San Francisco Bay, California, 1918)
- Relief (Salvage Ship,
- Relief (Motor Boat,
- Reposo II
(Steam Yacht, built 1882 & enlarged 1902). Previously named Sophia, Empress, Onondaga and Turbese
- Republic (Steamship,
1853-1865). Originally named Tennessee
- Rescue (Salvage Ship, 1899)
- Reverie III (Motor Boat, 1941)
- Revolution
(Steam Yacht, 1901). Later renamed Wacondah and Intercolonial
- Reyner & Son (Motor Boat, 1916). Properly called J. Reyner & Son
- Rhaetia (German Freighter, 1904). Later named Black Hawk and Black Arrow
- Rhebal (Motor Boat,
- Rhein
(German Passenger Liner, 1899)
- Richards, James L. (Collier, 1916). Properly called James L. Richards
- Rickmers, Andree (German Freighter, 1902). Properly called Andree Rickmers
- Rickmers, Kamilla (German Freighter, 1914). Properly called Kamilla Rickmers
- Rickwood (Motor Boat,
1910). Originally named Ethel M. Ward
- Riebell, Ingenieur (French Ferry Lighter, 1911). Properly called Ingenieur Riebell
- Riette (Motor Boat, 1916)
- Rijndam
(Dutch Passenger Liner, 1901)
- Rijnland (Dutch Freighter, 1900)
- Rio Douro (Fishing Vessel, 1936)
- Ripple (Steam Trawler, 1910)
- Rivalen (Motor Boat,
- Rivera (Steam Yacht, 1898). Previously named Katoomba. Later renamed Emeline and Katharine R.
- Rizan Maru
(Freighter, 1917). Previously named Mundelta and Munlock
- Robert E. Lee
(Blockade Running Steamship, 1862-1863). Originally named Giraffe (Built 1860)
- Robert H. McCurdy (Four-masted Schooner, 1903)
- Robert L. Barnes (Freighter, 1917)
- Robert M. Thompson
(Freighter, 1912)
- Robin Kettering
(Freighter, 1941)
- Rockefeller, William (Tanker, 1916). Properly called William Rockefeller
- Roderick McAllister (Harbor Tug, in service circa 1961)
- Roepat (Dutch Freigher, 1914)
- Rondo (Dutch Freighter, 1914)
- Rondo (Motor Boat, 1915)
- Roosevelt, Theodore (Great Lakes Passenger Steamship, 1906). Properly called Theodore Roosevelt
- Rose Standish (Coastal Passenger Steamship, 1912)
- Rosedale (River Passenger Steamer, 1877)
- Roselle (Harbor Tug, 1903)
- Rosemary E. Guinan (Covered Barge, in service circa 1918-1919)
- Royal Arrow
(Tanker, in service 1941)
- Rudau (German Freighter, 1905). Previously named Arvonian, Brookvale and Spidola
- Rundo (Freighter, 1918). Previously named War Swift, Lake Weston, Panaghis Vergottis and Strand. Later renamed Salt, Solbritt and Fidelia
- Ruth (Coastal Steamer, 1894). Later renamed Atlantic
- Rutoma
(Motor Boat, 1910). Originally named Manchonak
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History
and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 14 May 2002
New ship added 31 January 2011