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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter F
This page lists all F-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
F-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- F-1 (Submarine # 20), 1912-1917. Name changed from Carp while under construction
- F-2 (Submarine # 21, later SS-21), 1912-1922. Name changed from Barracuda while under construction
- F-3 (Submarine # 22, later SS-22), 1912-1922. Name changed from Pickerel while under construction
- F-4 (Submarine # 23), 1913-1915. Name changed from Skate while under construction
- F.J. Luckenbach (ID # 2160), 1918-1919
- Fairfax (Destroyer # 93, later DD-93), 1918-1940
- Fairmont (ID # 2429), 1918-1919
- Fairplay (1862-1865,
"Tinclad" # 17)
- Falcon (AM-28, later ASR-2), 1918-1947
- Fallon (APA-81), 1945-1948
- Fanning (Destroyer # 37, later DD-37), 1912-1934
- Fanning (DD-385), 1937-1948
- Fanning (DE-1076, later FF-1076), 1971-1993
- Fanny Barker (1863-1865,
"Tinclad" # 30). Renamed Fawn in 1863
- Fanshaw Bay (CVE-70, later CVHE-70), 1943-1959
- Farenholt (DD-332), 1921-1930
- Farenholt (DD-491), 1942-1972
- Fargo (CL-106), 1945-1971
- Farquhar (DD-304), 1920-1932
- Farquhar (DE-139), 1943-1974
- Farragut (Destroyer # 300, later DD-300), 1920-1930
- Farragut (DD-348), 1934-1947
- Farragut (DLG-6, later DDG-37), 1960-2005
- Favorite (ID # 1385, later IX-45), 1918-1920 and 1940-1948
- Fawn (1863-1865, "Tinclad"
# 30). Briefly named Fanny Barker in 1863
- Fearless (SP-724), 1917-1921
- Fechteler (DD-870, later DDR-870 & DD-870), 1946-1972
- Federal (ID # 3657), 1918-1919
- Felicia (SP-642), 1917-1920
- Felix Taussig (ID # 2292), 1918-1919
- Fern (1862-1865). Originally named Intrepid
- Ferry Launch # 132 (1891-1928, later YFB-132). Previously named Steam Cutter # 132 and Launch # 132
- Fife (DD-991), 1980-2005
- Fillmore (APA-83), 1945-1966
- Finland (ID # 4543), 1918-1919
- Firecrest (AMS-10,
later MSC(O)-10), 1943-1955, originally named YMS-231
- Firefly (1862-1865). Renamed Dahlia in 1862
- Fiske (DE-143), 1943-1944
- Fiske (DD-842, later DDR-842 and DD-842), 1945-1980
- Fitch (DD-462, later DMS-25 & DD-462), 1942-1973
- Fitzgerald (DDG-62), 1995-____
- Flag (1861-1865)
- Flamingo
(AMc-22, later IX-180)
- Fletcher (DD-445, later DDE-445), 1942-1972
- Fletcher (DD-992),
- Flier (SS-250), 1943-1944
- Flint (CL-97, later CLAA-97), 1944-1966
- Floating Derrick Number 5, 1900-19??. Later renamed YD-5
- Floating Derrick # 37, 1918-1931. Formerly named Derrick Barge # 70 (ID # 2635). Later renamed YD-37 and YF-196
- Floating Derrick # 38, 1918-1926. Formerly named Derrick Lighter (ID # 3249). Later renamed YD-38. No image is available, or known to exist
- Floating Derrick # 39, 1918-1931. Previously named Barge # 62 (ID # 2729). Later renamed YD-39 and YF-197
- Florence (SP-173), 1917-1919
- Florida (1861-1868)
- Florida (1867-1885),
formerly named Wampanoag
- Florida (Battleship # 30, later BB-30),
- Floridian (ID # 3875), 1919-1919
- Floyd B. Parks (DD-884),
- Floyds Bay (AVP-40),
- Flusser (Destroyer
# 20), 1909-1920
- Flusser (Destroyer
# 289, later DD-289),
- Flusser (DD-368), 1936-1948
- Foam (ID # 2496), 1918-1919
- Fond Du Lac (APA-166), 1944-1974
- Foote (Torpedo Boat
# 3, TB-3), 1897-1920, later renamed Coast Torpedo Boat #
- Foote (Destroyer # 169, later DD-169), 1919-1940
- Foote (DD-511), 1942-1974
- Ford (DD-228, later AG-119), 1920-1947. Renamed John D. Ford, 1921
- Forest Rose (1862-1865,
"Tinclad" # 9)
- Forrest (DD-461, later DMS-24), 1942-1946
- Forrest Royal (DD-872), 1946-1973
- Forrest Sherman (DD-931), 1955-____
- Forrestal (CVA-59, later CV-59 and AVT-59), 1955-____
- Fort Donelson (1864-1865)
- Fort Hindman (1862-1865,
"Tinclad" # 13), formerly named James Thompson
and Manitou
- Fort Jackson (1863-1865)
- Fort Wayne (ID # 3786), 1918-1919
- Fortune (1871-1922, later YT-11)
- Foster, Paul F. (DD-964, later EDD-964), 1976-____. Properly called Paul F. Foster
- Fox (Torpedo Boat # 13), 1899-1916
- Fox (DD-234, later AG-85), 1920-1946
- Fox (DLG-33, later CG-33), 1966-____
- Fox, Douglas H. (DD-779), 1944-1974. Properly called Douglas H. Fox
- Fox, Lee (DE-65, later APD-45), 1943-1966. Properly called Lee Fox
- Fox, Myles C. (DD-829, later DDR-829 & DD-829), 1945-1980. Properly called Myles C. Fox
- Francis Hammond (DE-1067, later FF-1067), 1970-2003
- Frank E. Evans (DD-754), 1945-1969
- Frank H. Buck (ID # 1613), 1918-1919
- Frank Knox (DD-742; later DDR-742 and DD-742), 1944-1971
- Frankford (DD-497), 1943-1973
- Franklin (1867-1915)
- Franklin (CV-13; later CVA-13, CVS-13 and AVT-8), 1944-1966
- Franklin D. Roosevelt (CVB-42; later CVA-42 and CV-42), 1945-1978
- Frasch, Herman (ID # 1617), 1918-1918. Properly called Herman Frasch
- Fred C. Ainsworth (T-AP-181), 1950-1961
- Fred T. Berry (DD-858, later DDE-858 & DD-858), 1945-1972
- Fred Talbott, J. (Destroyer # 156, later DD-156 & AG-81), 1919-1946. Properly called J. Fred Talbott
- Frederick (Armored Cruiser # 8, later CA-8), 1905-1930. Name changed from Maryland, 1916
- Free Lance (1898-1899). Also served as USS Freelance (SP-830) in 1917-1918
- Freeborn, Thomas (1861-1865). Properly called Thomas Freeborn
- Freedom (ID # 3024), 1919-1919
- Freestone (APA-167), 1944-1973
- Freight Lighter # 53, 1908-1944. Originally Coal Barge # 210. Later renamed YF-53
- Freight Lighter # 60, 1917-1922. Later renamed YF-60
- Freight Lighter # 92, 1918-1947. Originally named Barge # 66 (ID # 2604). Later renamed YF-92
- Freight Lighter # 93, 1918-1947. Originally named Barge # 70 (ID # 2678). Later renamed YF-93
- Freight Lighter # 94, 1918-1947. Originally named Barge # 72 (ID # 2986). Later renamed YF-94
- Freight Lighter # 95, 1918-1947. Originally named Barge # 76 (ID # 3030). Later renamed YF-95
- Freight Lighter # 96, 1918-1947. Originally named Barge # 84 (ID # 3168). Later renamed YF-93
- Freight Lighter # 123, 1918-1923. Originally named Commerce (ID # 2763)
- Freight Lighter # 126, 1918-1919(?). Originally named Catherine (ID # 3059)
- Freight Lighter # 127, 1917(?)-1919(?). Originally City of Yonkers (ID # 1435). No image is available, or known to exist
- Freight Lighter # 148, in service 1918-1919. Previously named Barge # 6 (ID # 3373)
- Freight Lighter # 160 (1918-1932). Originally named Rin Tin Tin. Later renamed Water Barge # 30 and YW-30
- Freight Lighter # 161, 1918-1932. Originally Catherine Johnson (SP-390). Later renamed YF-161 and YC-660
- Fresno (ID # 3063), 1918-1919
- Fresno (CL-121, later CLAA-121), 1946-1966
- Frieda (ID # 1618), 1918-1919
- Friedrich der Grosse (ID # 1408), 1917-1919. Renamed Huron, September 1917
- Frolic (1864-1883). Originally named Advance
- Frolic (1898-1909)
- Fuel Oil Barge # 36, 1918-1921. Originally named Curacao (ID # 2269). Later named YO-36
- Fullam (DD-474), 1943-1962
- Fuller (DD-297), 1920-1923
- Fuller (AP-14, later APA-7), 1941-1946
- Fuller, Ransom B. (Barracks ship, 1917-1918). Properly called Ransom B. Fuller
- Fulton (1814-1829). Also called "Demologos" and "Fulton the First"
- Fulton (1837-1861). Also called "Fulton II"
- Furse (DD-882, later DDR-882 & DD-882), 1945-1975
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are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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New ships added 17 February 2011