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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter K
This page lists all K-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
K-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- K-1 (Submarine # 32, later SS-32), 1914-1931. Name changed from Haddock before construction
- K-2 (Submarine # 33, later SS-33), 1914-1931. Name changed from Cachalot before construction
- K-3 (Submarine # 34, later SS-34), 1914-1931. Name changed from Orca before construction
- K-4 (Submarine # 35, later SS-35), 1914-1931. Name changed from Walrus before construction
- K-5 (Submarine # 36, later SS-36), 1914-1931
- K-6 (Submarine # 37, later SS-37), 1914-1931
- K-7 (Submarine # 38, later SS-38), 1914-1931
- K-8 (Submarine # 39, later SS-39), 1914-1931
- K.I. Luckenbach (ID # 2291), 1918-1919
- Kaiser Wilhelm II (ID # 3004), 1917-1919. Renamed Agamemnon soon after commissioning
- Kaiserin Auguste Victoria (ID # 3963), 1919-1919. Also apparently had ID # 1472
- Kajeruna (SP-389), 1917-1919
- Kalinin Bay (CVE-68), 1943-1946
- Kalk
(Destroyer # 170, later DD-170), 1919-1940
- Kalk
(DD-611), 1942-1969
- Kalmia
(Tug # 23, later AT-23 and ATO-23), 1919-1947
- Kalmia
(ATA-184), 1944-1971. Originally named ATA-184
- Kamesit (ID # 3829), 1919-1919
- Kanawha (1862-1866)
- Kanawha II (SP-130), 1917-1919. Later renamed Piqua
- Kane (DD-235, later APD-18), 1920-1946
- Kanised (SP-439), 1917-1919
- Kangaroo (SP-1284), 1917-1919
- Kansas (1863-1883)
- Kansas (Battleship
# 21, later BB-21), 1907-1924
- Karibou (SP-200), 1917-1919
- Karin (AF-43), 1945-1967
- Karnes (APA-175), 1944-1974
- Kasaan Bay (CVE-69, later CVHE-69), 1943-1959
- Kaskaskia (AO-27), 1940-1970
- Katahdin (1862-1865)
- Katahdin (1896-1909)
- Katherine K (SP-220), 1917-1919
- Katie (SP-660), 1917-1918
- Katrina (SP-1144), 1917-1919
- Katrina Luckenbach (ID # 3020), 1918-1919
- Kearny (DD-432), 1940-1972
- Kearsarge (1862-1894)
- Kearsarge (Battleship # 5), 1900-1955. Later Crane Ship # 1 (AB-1)
- Kearsarge (CV-33, later CVA-33 and CVS-33), 1946-1974
- Keathley, Sgt. George D. (T-APC-117, later T-AGS-35), 1950-1972. Properly called Sgt. George D. Keathley
- Keith, Willard (DD-775), 1944-1972. Properly called Willard Keith
- Kemah (SP-415), 1918-1920
- Kendrick (DD-612), 1942-1968
- Kenmore (AP-162, later AK-221), 1943-1946
- Kennebec (1862-1865)
- Kennedy (DD-306), 1920-1931
- Kennedy, John F. (CVA-67, later CV-67), 1968-____. Properly called John F. Kennedy
- Kennedy, Joseph P., Jr. (DD-850), 1945-1973. Properly called Joseph P. Kennedy, Jr.
- Kenneth D. Bailey (DD-713, later DDR-713 & DD-713), 1945-1975
- Kenneth L. McNeal (SP-333), 1917-1919. Also called McNeal
- Kennison (Destroyer # 138, later DD-138 & AG-83), 1919-1946
- Kent (AP-28),
1941-1942. Served as USS Santa Teresa (ID # 3804) in 1918-1919
- Kentuckian (ID #
1544), 1919
- Kentucky (Battleship
# 6, BB-6), 1900-1924
- Kentucky (BB-66), 1942-1958
- Keokuk (1863-1863). Originally named Moodna
- Keresan (ID # 1806), 1918-1919
- Keresaspa (ID #
1484), 1918-1919
- Kerlew (ID #
1325), 1918-1919
- Kermanshah (ID # 1473), 1918-1919
- Kermoor (1918-1919)
- Kerowlee (1918-1919)
- Kershaw (APA-176), 1944-1982
- Kestrel II (SP-529), 1917-1919
- Kete (SS-369), 1944-1945
- Kewaydin (1864-1874), originally named Kickapoo
- Key West (1863-1864,
"Tinclad" # 32)
- Key West (PF-17), 1944-1947
- Keystone State (1861-1865)
- Kickapoo (1864-1874), later renamed Cyclops and Kewaydin
- Kidd (DD-661), 1943-1974
- Kidd (DDG-993), 1981-2003
- Kidder (DD-319), 1921-1930
- Killarney (SP-219), 1917-1919
- Killen (DD-593), 1944-1975
- Kilty (Destroyer # 137, later DD-137, IX-37, AG-20, DD-137, APD-15 & DD-137), 1918-1946
- Kimberly (Destroyer # 80, later DD-80), 1918-1939
- Kimberly (DD-521), 1943-1967
- Kineo (1862-1866)
- King (DD-242), 1920-1946
- King (DLG-10, later DDG-41), 1960-1994
- King, Bertell W. (ID # 3194), 1918-1919. Properly called Bertell W. King
- King, John (DDG-3), 1961-1999. Properly called John King
- Kingsbury (APA-177), 1944-1983
- Kinkaid (DD-965), 1976-2004
- Kinsman (1863-1863). Also called Colonel Kinsman
- Kiowa (SP-711), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-711
- Kiowa (ID # 1842), 1918-1919
- Kirk (DE-1087, later FF-1087), 1972-1993
- Kite (AMS-22, later
MSC(O)-22), 1944-1956, originally named YMS-374
- Kittery (1917-1933, later AK-2)
- Kitty Hawk (CVA-63, later CV-63), 1961-____
- Knapp (DD-653), 1943-1973
- Knickerbocker (SP-479), 1917-1919
- Knickerbocker (probably not U.S. Navy), in service 1919
- Knox, Frank (DD-742; later DDR-742 and DD-742), 1944-1971. Properly called Frank Knox
- König Wilhelm II (ID # 3011), 1917-1919. Renamed Madawaska, 1917. Also served as USAT Madawaska and USAT U.S. Grant, 1919-1941; and as USS U.S. Grant (AP-29), 1941-1945.
- Koningin der Nederlanden (ID # 2708), 1918-1919
- Kopara (AK-62, later AG-50), 1942-1945
- Kraus, Richard E. (DD-849, later EDD-849, AG-151 & DD-849), 1946-1977. Properly called Richard E. Kraus
- Kroonland (ID # 1541), 1918-1919
- Kula Gulf (CVE-108, later AKV-8), 1945-1971
- Kuper, Charles P. (SP-1235), 1917-1919. Properly called Charles P. Kuper
- Kwajalein (CVE-98, later CVU-98 and AKV-34), 1944-1960
- Kwasind (SP-1233), 1917-1919
- Kyes, James E. (DD-787), 1946-1973. Properly called James E. Kyes
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citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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New ship added 11 February 2011