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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter T
This page lists all T-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
T-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- T-1 (Submarine # 52, later SF-1), 1920-1931. Originally named Schley. Completed as AA-1
- T-2 (SF-2, originally Submarine # 60), 1922-1931. Originally named AA-2.
- T-3 (Submarine # 61, later SF-3), 1920-1931. Originally named AA-3.
- Tacoma (1898-1937),
later renamed Sebago (YT-23)
- Tacoma (Cruiser # 18, later PG-32 & CL-20), 1904-1924
- Tacoma (PF-3, begun as PG-111), 1943-1951
- Tacony (1864-1868)
- Tacony (SP-5), 1917-1918
- Taganak (AG-45), 1942-1946. Previously (1918-1919) named Lake Shore (ID # 1792)
- Tahoma (1861-1867)
- Takana (ID # 3039), 1918-1919
- Talbot (Torpedo Boat
# 15), 1898-1944. Later renamed Berceau (YFB-3)
- Talbot (Destroyer # 114, later DD-114, APD-7 & DD-114), 1918-1946
- Talbott, J. Fred (Destroyer # 156, later DD-156 & AG-81), 1919-1946. Properly called J. Fred Talbott
- Talladega (APA-208,
later LKA-208), 1944-1982
- Tallahoma (1865-1868)
- Tallapoosa (1864-1892)
- Tallahatchie County (LST-1154, later AVB-2), 1949-1970. Named LST-1154 until 1955
- Talofa (SP-1016), 1917-1919
- Tanager (Minesweeper # 5, later AM-5), 1918-1942
- Tanager (AM-385, later MSF-385), 1945-1963. Served as USCGC Tanager (WTR-385, later WTR-885), 1963-1972
- Tanamo (ID # 2176), 1918-1919
- Tang (SS-306), 1943-1944
- Tangier (AV-8), 1941-1961
- Taniwha (SP-129), 1917-1919
- Taposa (YFB-1163), 1918-1944. Named Narragansett until 1941
- Tarantula (Submarine # 12, later SS-12), 1907-1922. Renamed B-3 in 1911
- Tarantula (SP-124), 1917-1918
- Tarawa (CV-40, later CVA-40, CVS-40 & AVT-12), 1945-1968
- Tarbell (Destroyer # 142, later DD-142), 1918-1945
- Taro (Steam Launch, in service circa 1913)
- Tarpon (Submarine # 14), 1909-1920. Renamed C-3 in 1911
- Tarpon (SS-175), 1936-1957
- Tartar (1865-1874). Name briefly given to USS Yazoo in 1869
- Tasco (SP-502), 1917-1919
- Tattnall (Destroyer # 125, later DD-125 & APD-19), 1919-1946
- Tattnall (DDG-19), 1963-1999
- Taussig (DD-746), 1944-1974
- Taussig, Felix (ID # 2292), 1918-1919. Properly called Felix Taussig
- Tautog (SS-199), 1940-1959
- Tavernilla (ID # 3000), 1917-1919
- Taylor (Destroyer # 94, later DD-94), 1918-1945. Renamed Damage Control Hulk No. 40, 1940
- Taylor (DD-468, later DDE-468 & DD-468), 1942-1969
- Tazewell (APA-209), 1944-1972
- Teaser (1862-1866). Formerly CSS Teaser (1861-1862)
- Teaser (SP-933), 1917-1918
- Tech III (SP-1055), 1917-1917
- Tecumseh (1864-1864)
- Tenadores (1918-1918)
- Tennessee (1862-1865). Renamed Mobile in September 1864
- Tennessee (1864-1867). Formerly CSS Tennessee (1864-1864)
- Tennessee (Armored Cruiser # 10), 1906-1916. Renamed Memphis in 1916
- Tennessee (BB-43), 1920-1959
- Ternate (ID # 2697), 1918-1919
- Terrier (SP-960), 1917-1919
- Terror (1865-1874). Name changed from Agamenticus in 1869
- Terror (Monitor # 4,
BM-4), 1896-1921
- Terry (Destroyer # 25, later DD-25), 1910-1934
- Terry (DD-513), 1943-1974
- Tesota (YN-95, later AN-71), 1945-1947. Renamed ATA-217 in 1944, before completion
- Teton (AGC-14), 1944-1962
- Texan (ID # 1354), 1918-1919
- Texas (1895-1911),
later renamed San Marcos
- Texas (Battleship Number 35, later BB-35), 1914-1948
- Texas (CGN-39, originally DLGN-39), 1977-2001
- Thach (FFG-43), 1984-____
- Thatcher (Destroyer # 162, later DD-162), 1919-1940
- Thatcher (DD-514), 1943-1948
- The Sullivans (DD-537), 1943-1977
- The Sullivans (DDG-68), 1997-____
- Theodore E. Chandler (DD-717), 1946-1975
- Theodore Roosevelt (ID # 1478), 1918-1919
- Theodore Roosevelt (CVN-71), 1986-____
- Thetis (SP-391), 1917-1920
- Thetis Bay (CVE-90, later CVHA-1 and LPH-6), 1944-1966
- Thomas (Destroyer # 182, later DD-182), 1919-1940
- Thomas C. Hart (DE-1092, later FF-1092) 1973-1993
- Thomas Freeborn (1861-1865)
- Thomas, Garfield (DE-193),
1944-1951. Properly named Garfield Thomas
- Thomas, Herbert J. (DD-833, later DDR-833 & DD-833), 1945-1974. Properly called Herbert J. Thomas
- Thomas, Lloyd (DD-764, later DDK-764, DDE-764 & DD-764), 1947-1972. Properly called Lloyd Thomas
- Thomas S. Gates (CG-51), 1987-____
- Thomason, John W. (DD-760), 1945-1974. Properly called John W. Thomason
- Thompson (DD-305), 1920-1931
- Thompson (DD-627, later DMS-38 & DD-627), 1943-1972
- Thompson, Robert M. (ID # 3319), 1918-1919. Properly called Robert M. Thompson
- Thompson, Sara (ID # 3148, later AO-8), 1918-1934. Properly called Sara Thompson
- Thompson, Smith (Destroyer # 212, later DD-212), 1919-1936. Properly called Smith Thompson
- Thorn (DD-647), 1943-1974
- Thorn (DD-988), 1980-2006
- Thornton (Torpedo Boat # 33), 1902-1920. Later renamed Coast Torpedo Boat # 16
- Thornton (Destroyer # 270, later DD-270 and AVD-11), 1919-1945
- Thrasher (Submarine # 26), 1914-1920. Renamed G-4 before launching
- Thresher (SSN-593), 1961-1963
- Ticonderoga (1863-1887)
- Ticonderoga (ID # 1958), 1918-1918
- Ticonderoga (CV-14, later CVA-14 and CVS-14), 1944-1974
- Ticonderoga (CG-47, originally DDG-47), 1983-____
- Tide (AM-125), 1943-1944
- Tiger (ID # 1640), 1918-1919
- Tillamook (SP-269), 1917-1919. Renamed SP-269 in 1918
- Tillman (Destroyer # 135, later DD-135), 1921-1940
- Tillman (DD-641), 1942-1972
- Timbalier (AVP-54), 1946-1960
- Timmerman (DD-828, later AG-152), 1952-1959
- Tingey (Destroyer # 272, later DD-272), 1919-1936
- Tingey (DD-539), 1943-1966
- Tinian (CVE-123, later CVHE-123 and AKV-23), completed, but not commissioned, 1946-1971
- Tinicum (SP-1113), 1918-1919
- Tioga (1862-1867)
- Tippecanoe (1866-1899),
later renamed Vesuvius and Wyandotte
- Tisdale (DE-33), 1943-1948
- Titania (AK-55, later
AKA-13), 1942-1961
- Tivives (ID # 4521), 1918-1919
- Tjisondari (ID # 2783), 1918-1919
- Toledo (PF-33), 1944-1947. Renamed Dearborn before launching
- Toledo (CA-133), 1946-1974
- Tolman (DM-28, later MMD-28. Begun as DD-740), 1944-1997
- Tonawanda (1865-1874). Renamed Amphitrite in 1869
- Topeka (1898-1930,
later PG-35)
- Topeka (CL-67, later CLG-8), 1944-1975
- Tornado (1864-1874). Name briefly given to USS Winnebago in 1869
- Torsk (SS-423, later AGSS-423 and IXSS-423), 1944-1972
- Toucey (Destroyer # 282, later DD-282), 1919-1931
- Towers (DDG-9), 1961-2002
- Towing Target No. 23 (in service, circa 1913)
- Towing Target No. 48 (launched 1918)
- Towner (AKA-77), 1944-1946
- Tracy (Destroyer # 214, later DD-214 & DM-19), 1920-1946
- Tranquillity (AH-14,
briefly APH-114), 1945-1961
- Trathen (DD-530), 1943-1973
- Traveler (SP-122), 1917-1919
- Trenton (1877-1889)
- Trenton (CL-11), 1924-1946
- Trever (DD-339, later DMS-16 and AG-110), 1922-1946
- Trieste (Bathyscaphe,
- Tripoli (CVE-64, later CVU-64), 1943-1960
- Trippe (Destroyer # 33, later DD-33), 1911-1934
- Trippe (DD-403), 1939-1948
- Trippe (DE-1075, later FF-1075), 1970-1992
- Triton (1889-1930,
later YT-10)
- Triton (SS-201), 1940-1943
- Triumph (AM-323, later
MSF-323 & MMC-3), 1944-1961
- Troilus (AKA-46), 1945-1967
- Trout (SS-202), 1940-1944
- Troy (ID # 1614), 1919-1919
- Truman, Harry S. (CVN-75), 1998-____. Properly called Harry S. Truman
- Truett (DE-1095, later FF-1095), 1974-1994
- Truxtun (Destroyer # 14), 1902-1920
- Truxtun (DD-229), 1921-1942
- Truxtun (DLGN-35, later CGN-35), 1967-1999
- Tucker (Destroyer # 57, later DD-57), 1916-1936. Renamed DD-57 in 1933
- Tucker (DD-374), 1936-1942
- Tucker, Henry W. (DD-875, later DDR-875 & DD-875), 1945-1973. Properly called Henry W. Tucker
- Tucson (CL-98, later CLAA-98), 1945-1971
- Tudno (1918-1919)
- Tug No. 2 (1864-1864),
also called Bazely, Beta and J.E. Bazely
- Tulagi (CVE-72), 1943-1946
- Tullibee (SS-284), 1943-1944
- Tuluran (AG-46), 1942-1946. Previously (1918-1919) named Lake Superior (ID # 2995)
- Tuna (Submarine # 27), 1915-1919. Renamed G-2 before completion
- Tuna (SP-664), 1917-1919
- Tunxis (1864-1874). Renamed Hydra and Otsego in 1869
- Turbot (Submarine # 31), 1915-1922. Renamed G-3 before completion
- Turner (Destroyer # 259, later DD-259, YW-56 & IX-98), 1919-1947. Later renamed YW-56 & Moosehead (IX-98)
- Turner (DD-648), 1943-1944
- Turner (DD-834, later DDR-834), 1945-1970
- Turner, Richmond K. (DLG-20, later CG-20), 1964-1998. Properly called Richmond K. Turner
- Turner Joy (DD-951), 1959-1991
- Tuscaloosa (CA-37), 1934-1959
- Tuscumbia (1863-1865)
- Twiggs (Destroyer # 127, later DD-127), 1919-1940
- Twining (DD-540),
- Tyler (1861-1865)
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citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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New ships added 10 February 2011