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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter G
This page lists all G-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
G-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- G.H. McNeal (Menhaden
Fishing Boat, 1911)
- Galatea (Steam Yacht, 1906). Later renamed Ungava and Onward
- Galatea (Steam Yacht, 1914)
- Gallagher, Charles T. (Tug, 1904). Properly called Charles T. Gallagher
- Gargoyle (Tanker, 1902). Originally named Pennoil. Later renamed Oswego, Queen Maeve, Petroil and Zenobia Martini
- Garner, Mary B.
(Fishing Vessel, 1912). Properly called Mary B. Garner
- Gem (Steam Yacht, 1913)
- General Aleshire (Harbor Tug, in service circa the 1930s). Possibly a U.S. Army Tug
- General de Castlenau (Freighter, 1918). Later renamed Elinor
- General Custer
(Screw Steamship, 1853-1868). Previously named Mount Savage and Memphis
- General G.W. Goethals
(American Passenger-Cargo Steamer, 1911)
- General Grant (Steamship, 1863-1869). Originally named Onward
- General Petroleum Co. No. 4 (Barge, in service 1918).
- General W.C. Gorgas
(American Passenger-Cargo Steamer, 1902)
- George G. Henry (Tanker, 1917)
- George H. Bradley (Fishing Vessel, 1871)
- George H. Johnson (Powered Lighter)
- George M. Cox (Great Lakes Passenger Steamship, 1901). Originally named Puritan
- George Washington (German, later American, Passenger Liner, 1908)
- Georgetown (Fishing
Trawler, 1928). Later named Cambridge
- Georgia (Steamship,
- Georgia (Tanker,
- Georgian
(Refrigerated Cargo Ship, 1918). Previously named Passaic and Ice King. Later named Hilton
- Georgian (Freighter, 1920). Previously named Cajacet and Willsolo
- Georgiana (Freighter, 1909). Originally named Harfleur. Later renamed Norlina
- Get There
(Motor Boat, 1916)
- Gibraltar (Blockade
Running Steamship). Originally named Habana
- Giraffe
(Steamship, 1860). Later the blockade runner Robert E. Lee
- Gladstone (Norwegian Freighter, 1909). Later renamed Marina Quezada, Severance and Yankee Sword
- Gladstone
(Freighter, 1909). Previously named Jean and Margarita Calafati. Later renamed Sports and Magdalena
- Glen White
(Collier, 1918)
- Gobernador Bories (Freighter, 1893). Also named Senator and Sherman
- Gold Shell (Tanker, 1916)
- Golden Gate
(Freighter, 1892). Previously named Yarrowdale, Nicolaos Castriotis, Hohenfelde and Long Beach
- Golden Kauri (Freighter, 1918). Previously named West Elcajon. Later renamed Waipio and Paralos II
- Gorgona
(Tug, 1915)
- Gorontalo (Dutch Freighter, 1908)
- Gorredijk (Dutch Freighter, 1902). Originally named Como
- Governor R.M. McLane (Maryland Oyster Police Steamer, 1884)
- Graf Waldersee
(German Passenger Steamship, 1898-1899)
- Grangeburg (Dutch (?) Freighter, 1903). Later renamed Beukelsdijk
- Gray, Carl R.
(Harbor Tug, 1918). Properly called Carl R. Gray
- Great Eastern (British Steamship, 1859). Originally named Leviathan
- Great Northern (Passenger Ship, 1915). Later renamed H.F. Alexander
- Greene, Howard (Tug,
1917). Properly called Howard Greene
- Greenport # 277 (Motor Boat, 1917). Later renamed Hetman
- Greenport Hull 278 (Motor Boat, 1917). Later renamed Russ
- Grosser Kurfürst (German Passenger Steamship, 1899)
- Guantanamo (Freighter, 1910). Originally named Registan
- Guatamala
(Passenger Ship, 1918). Originally named Santa Ana. Later renamed Santa Cecilia and Irwin
- Guffey, J.M.
(Tanker, 1902). Properly called J.M. Guffey
- Guinan, Rosemary E. (Covered Barge, in service circa 1918-1919). Properly called Rosemary E. Guinan
- Gut Heil
(German/American Oil Tanker, 1888)
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 14 May 2002
New ships added 20 February 2010