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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter G
This page lists all G-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
G-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- G-1 (Submarine # 19½, later SS-19½ and SS-20), 1912-1921. Originally named Seal
- G-2 (Submarine # 27), 1915-1919. Originally named Tuna
- G-3 (Submarine # 31, later SS-31), 1915-1922. Originally named Turbot
- G-4 (Submarine # 26), 1914-1920. Originally named Thrasher
- G.H. McNeal
(SP-312), 1917-1919
- Gage (APA-168),
- Gainard (DD-706), 1944-1974
- Galatea (SP-714),
- Galena (1862-1872)
- Galena (1880-1892)
- Galilea (AKN-6), 1944-1973. Previously named Montauk (LSV-6)
- Gallatin (APA-169),
- Gallup, Annie E. (SP-694), 1917-1918. No image is available, or known to exist
- Galveston (Cruiser # 17, later PG-31 and CL-19), 1905-1933
- Galveston (CL-93, later CLG-3), 1946-1975
- Gamage (IX-227), 1945-1946. Also named Inca (IX-229)
- Gamble (Destroyer # 123, later DD-123 & DM-15), 1918-1945
- Gambier Bay (CVE-73), 1943-1944
- Ganadoga (YTB-390), in service 1957
- Gansevoort (DD-608), 1942-1972
- Gantner (DE-60, later APD-42), 1943-1966
- Gardiners Bay (AVP-39),
- Garfield Thomas (DE-193),
- Garfish (Submarine # 30), 1914-1931. Renamed H-3 in 1911, while under construction
- Gargoyle (ID # 1656), 1917-1918
- Garner, Mary B. (SP-682), 1917-1919. Properly called Mary B. Garner
- Garrard (APA-84),
- Gates, Thomas S. (CG-51), 1987-____. Properly called Thomas S. Gates
- Gatling (DD-671), 1943-1977
- Gearing (DD-710), 1945-1974
- Gem (SP-41), 1917-1919
- General A.W. Greely
(AP-141, later T-AP-141), 1945-1968
- General Bragg (1862-1865)
- General G.W. Goethals (ID # 1443), 1919-1919
- General J.C. Breckinridge
(AP-176, later T-AP-176), 1945-1987
- General John Pope
(AP-110, later T-AP-110), 1943-20__
- General Lyon
(1862-1865), originally named De Soto
- General M.C. Meigs
(AP-116, later T-AP-116), 1944-1972
- General Maurice Rose
(T-AP-126), 1945-1997. Originally Admiral Hugh Rodman (AP-126)
- General Nelson M. Walker
(T-AP-125), 1945-2005. Originally Admiral H.T. Mayo (AP-125)
- General Price (1863-1865). Also known as General Sterling Price
- General Putnam (1861-1865). Originally named William G. Putnam
- General Sherman
(1864-1865, "Tinclad" # 60)
- General Simon B. Buckner
(T-AP-123), 1945-1997. Originally Admiral E.W. Eberle (AP-123)
- General Sterling Price (1863-1865). Also known as General Price
- General W.C. Gorgas (ID # 1365), 1919-1919
- General W.H. Gordon (AP-117, later T-AP-117), 1944-1987
- General William O. Darby (T-AP-127), 1945-2005. Previously Admiral W.S. Sims (AP-127).
Later AP-127 and IX-510
- Genesee (1862-1867)
- Genesee (SP-1116, later AT-55)
- Geneva (APA-86),
- George D. Keathley, Sgt. (T-APC-117, later T-AGS-35), 1950-1972. Properly called Sgt. George D. Keathley
- George E. Badger (DD-196, later AVP-16, AVD-3, DD-196, APD-33 & DD-196), 1920-1946
- George F. Elliott
(AP-13), 1941-1942
- George G. Henry (ID # 1560), 1918-1919. Was also USS Victoria (AO-46), 1942-1946
- George H. Bradley (SP-327), 1917-1919
- George K. Mackenzie (DD-836), 1945-1976
- George W. Ingram (DE-62, later APD-43), 1943-1967
- George Washington
(ID # 3018), 1917-1919. Later Catlin (AP-19), 1941
- George Washington (CVN-73), 1992-____
- George Washington Carver
(SSBN-656), 1966-1993
- Georgia (Battleship # 15, later BB-15), 1906-1923
- Georgiana III (SP-83), 1917-1918
- Geranium (1863-1865)
- Get There (SP-579), 1917-1919
- Gettysburg (1864-1879)
- Gettysburg (CG-64), 1991-____
- Gherardi (DD-637; later DMS-30 and DD-637), 1942-1973
- Gibbs, Josiah Willard (T-AGOR-1), 1958-1971. Properly called Josiah Willard Gibbs
- Gilbert Islands (CVE-107), 1945-1979. Later renamed Annapolis (AGMR-1)
- Gillespie (DD-609), 1942-1973
- Gillis (Destroyer # 260, later DD-260 & AVD-12), 1919-1946
- Gilmer (Destroyer # 233, later DD-233 & APD-11), 1920-1946
- Gilmore (DE-18), 1943-1947
- Glacier (1898-1922,
later AF-4), briefly named Delmonico in 1898
- Gladiator (AM-319,
later MSF-319), 1944-1973
- Gleaves (DD-423), 1940-1972
- Glen White
(ID # 2068), 1918-1919
- Glendale (PF-36), 1943-1951
- Glennon (DD-620), 1942-1944
- Glennon (DD-840), 1945-1981
- Glide (1863-1865)
- Gloucester (1898-1919)
- Goff (DD-247), 1921-1945
- Gold Shell
(ID # 3021), 1917-1919
- Golden City (AP-169),
- Goldsborough (Destroyer # 188, later DD-188, AVP-18, AVD-5, DD-188, APD-32 & DD-188), 1920-1946
- Goldsborough (DDG-20), 1963-1993
- Goliath. Name briefly given to USS Catskill in 1869
- Gonzalez (DDG-66), 1996-____
- Goodrich (DD-831, later DDR-831 and DD-831), 1945-1977
- Gordon, General W.H. (AP-117, later T-AP-117), 1944-1987. Properly called General W.H. Gordon
- Gordonia (AF-43), 1945-1946
- Gorgon (1865-1875). Name briefly given to USS Naubuc in 1869. Soon renamed Minnetonka
- Gorgona (ID # 2164), 1917-1919
- Gorontalo
(ID # 2682), 1918-1919
- Gorredijk
(ID # 2482), 1918-1918 (no active U.S. Navy service)
- Gosper (APA-170),
- Governor R.M. McLane (SP-1328, also ID # 1328), 1917-1918
- Governor Russell
- Graf Waldersee (ID # 4040), 1919-1919
- Graham (Destroyer # 192, later DD-192), 1920-1922
- Grampus (Submarine # 4, later SS-4), 1903-1922. Renamed A-3 in 1911
- Grampus (ID # 1708), 1917-1930. Name changed from Boothbay in 1920
- Grampus
(SS-207), 1941-1943
- Grand Forks (PF-11), 1944-1947
- Grand Gulf (1863-1865)
- Grand Island (PF-14), 1944-1947
- Granville
(APA-171), 1944-1946
- Granville S. Hall
(YAG-40), 1953-1972. Originally named YAG-40
- Gratitude (ID # 3054), 1918-1919
- Gray, Carl R (ID # 2671), 1918-1933. Properly called Carl R. Gray. Later renamed Nausett (YT-35)
- Grayling (Submarine # 18, later SS-18), 1909-1922. Renamed D-2 in 1911
- Grayson
(DD-435), 1941-1972
- Great Northern
(ID # 4569, later AG-9), 1917-1919 & 1921-1922. Renamed Columbia (AG-9), 1921
- Greely, General A.W.
(AP-141, later T-AP-141), 1945-1968. Properly called General A.W. Greely
- Greene
(DD-266, later AVD-13 and APD-36), 1919-1946
- Greene, Eugene A. (DD-711, later DDR-711 & DD-711), 1945-1972. Properly called Eugene A. Greene
- Greenwich Bay
(AVP-41), 1945-1967
- Greenport # 277 (SP-1150), 1917-1921. Later renamed Hetman
- Greenport Hull 278 (SP-1151), 1917-1921. Renamed Russ
- Greer (Destroyer # 145, later DD-145), 1918-1945
- Greer, Charles R. (DE-23), 1943-1947. Properly called Charles R. Greer
- Gregory (DD-82, later APD-3), 1918-1942
- Greiner (DE-37), 1943-1947
- Grenadier
(SS-210), 1941-1943
- Greyhound (IX-106), 1943-1944. Also served as USS Yale (ID # 1672) in 1918-1920
- Gridley (Destroyer # 92, later DD-92), 1919-1939. Renamed DD-92, 1935
- Gridley (DD-380), 1937-1947
- Gridley (DLG-21, later CG-21), 1963-2005
- Griswold (DE-7), 1943-1946
- Grosser Kurfürst (ID # 3005), 1917-1919. Name changed to Aeolus in September 1917
- Groton (PF-29), 1944-1947
- Guadalcanal (CVE-60, later CVU-60), 1943-1959
- Guam (CB-2), 1944-1961
- Guantanamo
(ID # 1637), 1918-1919
- Guest (DD-472), 1942-1959
- Guffey, J.M. (ID # 1279), 1918-1919. Properly called J.M. Guffey
- Guinevere (SP-512), 1917-1918
- Gulfport (ID # 2989, later AK-5), 1917-1922
- Gull (AMS-16, AMCU-46
and MHC-46), 1944-1959, originally named YMS-324
- Gunston Hall (LSD-5),
- Gurke (DD-783), 1945-1977
- Gurkha (SP-600), 1917-1919
- Gwin (Torpedo Boat # 16), 1898-1925. Renamed Cyane in 1918 and redesignated YFB-4 in 1920
- Gwin (Destroyer # 71, later DD-71), 1920-1939
- Gwin (DD-433), 1941-1943
- Gyatt (DD-712, later DDG-712, DDG-1 & DD-712), 1945-1970
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and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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New ships added 20 February 2011