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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter N
This page lists all N-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
N-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- N-1 (Submarine # 53, later SS-53), 1917-1931
- N-2 (Submarine # 54, later SS-54), 1917-1931
- N-3 (Submarine # 55, later SS-55), 1917-1931
- N-4 (Submarine # 56, later SS-56), 1918-1922
- N-5 (Submarine # 57, later SS-57), 1918-1922
- N-6 (Submarine # 58, later SS-58), 1918-1922
- N-7 (Submarine # 59, later SS-59), 1918-1922
- Nahant (1862-1904). Briefly renamed Atlas in 1869
- Nahant (SP-1250), 1917-1928. Originally civilian tug Luckenbach # 4
- Nahma (SP-771), 1917-1919
- Nahunta, 1917-1919
- Naiad (1864-1865,
"Tinclad" # 53)
- Naiwa (ID # 3512), 1918-1919
- Nansemond (ID # 1395), 1919
- Nanshan (1898-1922, later AG-3)
- Nantahala (ID # 3519), 1918-1919
- Nantucket (1863-1900). Briefly renamed Medusa in 1869
- Napa (1865-1875). Briefly renamed Nemesis in 1869
- Narada (SP-161), 1917-1919
- Narragansett (SP-1163, later YFB-1163), 1918-1944. Renamed Taposa in 1941
- Narragansett (ID # 2196), 1918-1920
- Narwhal (Submarine # 17, later SS-17), 1909-1922. Renamed D-1 in 1911
- Nashville (1865-1867). Originally CSS Nashville
- Nashville (Gunboat #
7, PG-7), 1897-1921
- Nashville (CL-43), 1938-1951
- Nassau (ACV-16, later CVE-16 and CVHE-16), 1942-1961
- Natalia (SP-1251), 1917-1918
- Natchez (PG-85), 1942-1944. Previously (1917-1919) Corsair (SP-159). Later Oceanographer (AGS-3)
- Natchez (PG-102, later PF-2), 1942-1947
- Natick (SP-570), 1917-1919. Originally named Agawam
- Natoma (SP-666), 1917-1919
- Natoma Bay (CVE-62, later CVU-62), 1943-1959
- Natoya (SP-396), 1917-1919
- Natrona (APA-214), 1944-1975
- Naubuc (1865-1875). Renamed Gorgon and Minnetonka in 1869
- Naugatuck (1862)
- Nausett (1865-1875). Briefly renamed Aetna in 1869
- Nausett (YT-35), 1918-1933. Originally named Carl R. Gray (ID # 2671)
- Naushon (SP-517), 1918-1920
- Nautilus (Submarine # 29), 1913-1931. Renamed H-2 in 1911, while under construction
- Nautilus (SS-168),
1930-1945, formerly named V-6 (SC-2)
- Nautilus II (SP-559), 1917-1919
- Navajo III (SP-298), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-298
- Nebraska (Battleship # 14, later BB-14), 1907-1923
- Needle (SP-649),
- Nelansu (SP-610), 1917-1918
- Nellie Jackson (SP-1459), 1917-1918
- Nelson (DD-623), 1942-1969
- Nelson M. Walker, General
(T-AP-125), 1945-2005. Properly called General Nelson M. Walker
- Nemes (SP-424), 1917
- Nemesis (1865-1875). Name briefly given to USS Napa in 1869
- Nenette (1918-1920?). Later renamed Freight Lighter # 159. Also called (incorrectly) Ninette
- Neosho (1863-1873). Later renamed Vixen and Osceola
- Neosho (AO-23), 1939-1942
- Neponset (ID # 3581), 1918-1919
- Neptune (1863-1865). Renamed Clyde soon after commissioning.
- Neptune (1863-1865)
- Neptune (1864-1902). Name briefly given to USS Manhattan in 1869
- Nereus (1864-1865)
- Nerita (ID # 3028), 1918-1920. Named Amphitrite until November 1918
- Nero (1898-1922, later AC-17)
- Neshaminy (1865-1874),
later renamed Arizona and Nevada
- Nevada (1865-1874),
formerly named Neshaminy and Arizona
- Nevada (Battleship # 36, later BB-36), 1916-1948
- Neville (AP-16, later APA-9), 1941-1946
- New (DD-818, later DDE-818 & DD-818), 1946-1977
- New Era (1861-1865). Later named Essex
- New Hampshire (Battleship # 25, later BB-25), 1908-1923
- New Hampshire (BB-70). 1940 program -- construction cancelled, 1943.
- New Ironsides (1862-1866)
- New Jersey (BB-16),
- New Jersey (BB-62),
- New Mexico (BB-40),
- New Orleans (1898-1930,
later PG-34 & CL-22)
- New Orleans (CA-32), 1934-1959
- New Uncle Sam (1862-1865), renamed Black Hawk in December 1862
- New York (Armored Cruiser
# 2, CA-2), 1893-1941, later renamed Saratoga and Rochester
- New York (Battleship
# 34, later BB-34), 1914-1948
- Newark (Cruiser # 1,
C-1), 1891-1926
- Newburgh (ID # 3768), 1918-1919
- Newell (DE-322), 1943-1971
- Newman K. Perry (DD-883, later DDR-883 and DD-883), 1945-1981
- Newport (Gunboat #
12, PG-12, later IX-19), 1897-1934
- Newport (PF-27), 1944-1953
- Newport News (CA-148), 1949-1993
- Newport News (1917-1925, later AK-3)
- Newton (later given ID # 4359), 1918-1919
- Niagara (1857-1885)
- Niagara (SP-263), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-263
- Niagara (SP-136, later PY-9), 1918-1933
- Niblack (DD-424), 1940-1973
- Nicholas (DD-311), 1920-1923
- Nicholas (DD-449, later DDE-449 & DD-449), 1942-1970
- Nicholson (Destroyer # 52, later DD-52), 1915-1936
- Nicholson (DD-442), 1941-1951
- Nicholson (DD-982), 1979-2004
- Nightingale (SP-523), 1917-1919
- Nimitz (CVAN-68, later CVN-68), 1975-____
- Ninette (1918-1920?). Properly called Nenette
- Niphon (1863-1865)
- Nipsic (1863-1873)
- Nipsic (1879-1913)
- Nirvana (SP-706), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-706
- Noa (DD-343, later APD-24), 1921-1944
- Noa (DD-841), 1945-1973
- Noble (APA-218),
- Nokomis (SP-609, later PY-6), 1917-1938
- Nokomis (YT-142, later
YTB-142 & YTM-142), 1940-1975
- Noma (SP-131), 1918-1919
- Noord Brabant (ID # 2535), 1918-1918
- Nopatin (ID # 2195), 1918-1920. Originally named Manhattan
- Norfolk (DL-1), 1953-1974
- Nofolk Packet (1862-1865)
- Norlina (ID # 1597), 1918-1919
- Norman Scott (DD-690), 1943-1973
- Normandy (CG-60), 1989-____
- Norris (DD-859, later DDE-859 & DD-859), 1945-1974
- North Carolina (BB-52). 1919 program -- construction cancelled, 1922
- North Carolina (BB-55), 1941-1961
- North Dakota (Battleship # 29, later BB-29), 1910-1931
- North Pole (ID # 3791), 1919-1919
- Northampton (CA-26, originally CL-26), 1930-1942
- Northampton (CLC-1 and CC-1, originally CA-125), 1953-1980
- Northern Pacific (1917-1919)
- Norwich (1861-1865)
- Nottoway (YT-18), 1898-1946,
formerly named Algonquin and Accomac, later renamed
YT-18 and YTL-18
- Nyack (YT-19), 1898-1921,
previously named Sioux
- Nymph (1864-1865, "Tinclad" # 54)
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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and Heritage Command home page.
New ship added 18 January 2011