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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter R
This page lists all R-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
R-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- R-1 (Submarine # 78, later SS-78), 1918-1946
- R-2 (Submarine # 79, later SS-79), 1919-1945
- R-3 (Submarine # 80, later SS-80), 1919-1941
- R-4 (Submarine # 81, later SS-81), 1919-1946
- R-5 (Submarine # 82, later SS-82), 1919-1946
- R-6 (Submarine # 83, later SS-83), 1919-1946
- R-7 (Submarine # 84, later SS-84), 1919-1946
- R-8 (Submarine # 85, later SS-85), 1919-1936
- R-9 (Submarine # 86, later SS-86), 1919-1946
- R-10 (Submarine # 87, later SS-87), 1919-1946
- R-11 (Submarine # 88, later SS-88) 1919-1946
- R-12 (Submarine # 89, later SS-89), 1919-1943
- R-13 (Submarine # 90, later SS-90) 1919-1946
- R-14 (Submarine # 91, later SS-91), 1919-1945
- R-15 (Submarine # 92, later SS-92), 1918-1946
- R-17 (Submarine # 94, later SS-94), 1918-1942
- R-18 (Submarine # 95, later SS-95), 1918-1946
- R-19 (Submarine # 96, later SS-96), 1918-1942
- R-20 (Submarine # 97, later SS-97), 1918-1946
- R-21 (Submarine # 98, later SS-98), 1919-1930
- R-22 (Submarine # 99, later SS-99), 1919-1930
- R-23 (Submarine # 100, later SS-100), 1919-1930
- R-24 (Submarine # 101, later SS-101), 1919-1930
- R-25 (Submarine # 102, later SS-102), 1919-1930
- R-26 (Submarine # 103, later SS-103), 1919-1930
- R-27 (Submarine # 104, later SS-104), 1919-1930
- R.R. Cuyler (1861-1865)
- Raazoo (SP-508), 1917-1919
- Rabaul (CVE-121, later CVHE-121 and AKV-21), completed but not commissioned, 1946-1971
- Radford (Destroyer # 120, later DD-120, AG-22 & DD-120) 1918-1936
- Radford (DD-446, later DDE-446 & DD-446), 1942-1970
- Radford, Arthur W. (DD-968), 1977-____. Properly called Arthur W. Radford
- Radnor (ID # 3023), 1918-1919
- Raeo (SP-588), 1917-1919
- Raleigh (Cruiser # 8,
C-8), 1894-1921
- Raleigh (CL-7), 1924-1946
- Ralph Talbot (DD-390), 1937-1948
- Ramage (DDG-61), 1995-____
- Rambler (SP-211),
- Ramsay (Destroyer # 124, later DD-124, DM-16 & AG-98 1919-1946
- Randolph
(CV-15, later CVA-15 & CVS-15), 1944-1975
- Randwijk
(ID # 2546), 1918-1918 (very brief USN service)
- Ranger
(SP-237), 1917-1937. Later renamed SP-237
- Ranger
(CC-4), 1917 Program -- construction cancelled, 1923.
- Ranger
(CV-4), 1934-1947
- Ranger
(CVA-61, later CV-61), 1957-____
- Ransom B. Fuller (Barracks ship, 1917-1918)
- Rappahannock
(ID # 1854, later AF-6), 1917-1933
- Rathburne (Destroyer # 113, later DD-113, APD-25 & DD-113), 1918-1946
- Rattler (1862-1864,
"Tinclad" # 1)
- Rawlins (APA-226), 1944-1987
- Ray, David R. (DD-971), 1977-2008. Properly called David R. Ray
- Raymond (ID # 2057), 1917-1919
- Raymond J. Anderton (SP-530), 1917-1919. Also known as Anderton
- Reagan, Ronald (CVN-76), 2003-____. Properly called Ronald Reagan
- Red Rover (1862-1865)
- Redhead (AMS-34, later
AMCU-48 and MHC-48), 1944-1959, originally named YMS-443
- Read, Abner (DD-526), 1943-1944. Properly called Abner Read
- Reeves (DE-156, later
APD-52), 1943-1960
- Reeves (DLG-24, later CG-24), 1964-2001
- Regis II (SP-1083), 1917-1919
- Rehoboth (AVP-50, later
AGS-50), 1944-1970
- Reid (Destroyer # 21), 1909-1919
- Reid (Destroyer # 292, later DD-292), 1919-1931
- Reid (DD-369), 1936-1944
- Relief (1908-1919). Renamed Repose in 1918.
- Relief (ID # 2170), 1918-1919
- Relief (1917-1921), later YP-2
- Remey (DD-688), 1943-1976
- Remlik (SP-157), 1917-1920
- Rendova (CVE-114, later AKV-14), 1945-1972
- Reno (DD-303), 1920-1931
- Reno (CL-96, later CLAA-96), 1943-1962
- Renshaw (Destroyer # 176, later DD-176), 1919-1936
- Renshaw (DD-499, later DDE-499 & DD-499), 1942-1970
- Repose (1908-1919). Name changed from Relief in 1918.
- Reposo II (SP-198), 1917-1919
- Republic (AP-33), 1941-1945. Previously President Grant (ID # 3014), 1917-1919
- Requisite (AM-109, later AGS-18), 1943-1965
- Rescue (ID # 3209), 1918-1919
- Rescue (AH-18), 1945-1946. Previously Antaeus (AS-21, later AG-67), 1941-1945
- Resolute (1898-1900)
- Resolute (ID # 3003), 1918-ca.1919
- Reuben James (DD-245), 1920-1941
- Revenge (1777-1779)
- Reyner & Son (SP-869), 1918-1920. Also called J. Reyner & Son
- Rhebal (SP-1195), 1917-1919
- Rhind (DD-404), 1939-1948
- Rhode Island (1861-1867)
- Rhode Island (Battleship # 17, later BB-17), 1906-1923
- Rich (DE-695),
- Rich (DD-820, later DDE-820 and DD-820), 1946-1979
- Richard B. Anderson (DD-786), 1945-1977
- Richard E. Byrd (DDG-23), 1964-1993
- Richard E. Kraus (DD-849, later EDD-849, AG-151 & DD-849), 1946-1977
- Richard S. Edwards (DD-950), 1959-1997
- Richmond (CL-9),
- Richmond K. Turner (DLG-20, later CG-20), 1964-1998
- Ricketts (DE-254),
- Ricketts, Claude V. (DDG-5), 1962-2001. Properly called Claude V. Ricketts
- Rickwood (SP-597), 1917-1919
- Riette (SP-107), 1917-1919
- Rijndam (ID # 2505), 1918-1919
- Rijnland (ID # 2718), 1918-1919
- Rinehart (DE-196),
- Ringgold (Destroyer # 89, later DD-89), 1918-1940
- Ringgold (DD-500), 1942-1959
- Rin Tin Tin (1918-1932). Later renamed Freight Lighter # 160, Water Barge # 30 and YW-30
- Ripple (ID # 2439), 1918-1919
- Rivalen (SP-63), 1917-1919
- Rizal (DD-174, later
DM-14), 1919-1931
- Roan, Charles H. (DD-853), 1946-1973. Properly called Charles H. Roan
- Roanoke (1857-1883)
- Roanoke (ID # 1695), 1918-1919
- Roanoke (CL-145), 1949-1972
- Robalo (SS-273), 1943-1944
- Robert A. Owens (DDK-827, later DDE-827 & DD-827), 1949-1982
- Robert E. Peary (DE-1073, later FF-1073), 1972-1992. Laid down as Conolly
- Robert H. McCard (DD-822), 1946-1980
- Robert H. McCurdy (ID # 3157), 1918-1919
- Robert K. Huntington (DD-781), 1945-1973
- Robert L. Barnes (ID # 3088, later AK-11, AO-14 and AG-27), 1918-1941
- Robert L. Wilson (DD-847, later DDE-847 & DD-847), 1946-1980
- Robert M. Thompson (ID # 3319), 1918-1919
- Robert Smith (DD-324), 1921-1931
- Roberts, Samuel B.
(DE-413), 1944-1944. Properly called Samuel B. Roberts
- Roberts, Samuel B. (DD-823), 1946-1971. Properly called Samuel B. Roberts
- Robinson (Destroyer # 88, later DD-88), 1918-1940
- Robinson (DD-562), 1944-1982
- Robison (DDG-12), 1961-1994
- Rochester (Armored Cruiser
# 2, CA-2), 1893-1941, formerly named New York and Saratoga
- Rochester (CA-124),
- Rockaway (AVP-29),
- Rockefeller, William (ID # 1581), 1917-1918. Properly called William Rockefeller
- Rockford (PF-48),
- Rockport (SP-738), 1917-1919. Originally named Ajax. No image is available, or known to exist
- Rodgers (Torpedo Boat
# 4, TB-4), 1897-1920, later renamed Coast Torpedo Boat #
- Rodgers (Destroyer # 254, later DD-254), 1919-1940
- Rodgers, John (DD-574), 1943-1970. Properly called John Rodgers
- Rodgers, John (DD-983), 1979-2005. Properly called John Rodgers
- Rodman (DD-456, later DMS-21 & DD-456), 1942-1955
- Rodman, Admiral Hugh
(AP-126), 1945-1997. Properly called Admiral Hugh Rodman
- Rodney M. Davis (FFG-60),
- Rodolph (1864-1865,
"Tinclad" # 48)
- Roe (Destroyer # 24, later DD-24), 1910-1934
- Roe (DD-418), 1940-1947
- Roepat (ID # 2536), 1918-1919
- Rogday (ID # 3585), 1918-1919
- Rogers (DD-876, later DDR-876 & DD-876), 1945-1981
- Roi (CVE-103), 1944-1946
- Ronald Reagan (CVN-76), 2003-____
- Rondo (SP-90), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-90
- Rondo (ID # 2488), 1918-1919
- Roosevelt (DDG-80), 2000-____
- Rooks (DD-804), 1944-1962
- Roosevelt, Franklin D. (CVB-42; later CVA-42 and CV-42), 1945-1978. Properly called Franklin D. Roosevelt
- Roosevelt, Theodore (ID # 1478), 1918-1919. Properly called Theodore Roosevelt
- Roosevelt, Theodore (CVN-71), 1986-____. Properly called Theodore Roosevelt
- Roper (Destroyer # 147, later DD-147 & APD-20), 1919-1946
- Rose, General Maurice
(T-AP-126), 1945-1997. Properly called General Maurice Rose
- Rosedale (ID # 3079), 1918-1919
- Roselle (SP-350), 1918-1919
- Ross (DD-563), 1944-1978
- Ross (DDG-71), 1997-____
- Rowan (Torpedo Boat # 8), 1899-1918
- Rowan (Destroyer # 64, later DD-64), 1916-1939
- Rowan (DD-405), 1939-1943
- Rowan (DD-782), 1945-1977
- Rowe (DD-564), 1944-1978
- Royal, Forrest (DD-872), 1946-1973. Properly called Forrest Royal
- Rudyerd Bay (CVE-81, later CVU-81 and AKV-29), 1944-1960
- Rupertus (DD-851), 1946-1973
- Rush, William R. (DD-714, later DDR-714 & DD-714), 1945-1978. Properly called William R. Rush
- Russ (SP-1151), 1917-1921. Originally named Greenport Hull 278
- Russell (DD-414), 1939-1947
- Russell (DDG-59), 1995-____
- Rutland (APA-192), 1944-1982
- Rutoma (SP-78), 1917-1919
- Russell, Governor
(1898-1899). Properly called Governor Russell
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.
New ship added 16 February 2011