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Online Library of Selected Images:
-- ART TOPICS -- Photographers --
Family names beginning with the letter M
This page lists some of the photographers with M- family names whose works are available through the Online Library.
Note: The Online Library's listing of photographers is, as yet, very incomplete. Therefore, if you do not find the M-named photographer you seek in the list below, we suggest the use of a search engine to attempt to locate relevant images. If that does not produce satisfactory results, contact the Photographic Section concerning other research options.
M-named photographers are listed below in alphabetical order. Scan down the list until you find the one you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- MacAfee,
(active at Key West, Florida, 1947)
- MacDonald, G.W.,
Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USN. (in service, 1969)
- Mackel, Robert J., Photographer's Mate 3rd Class, USN. (in service, 1966)
- MacLean, David
C., Photographer's Mate 1st Class, USN. (in service, 1984)
- McAllister, Archibald A., Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USN. (in service, 1963)
- McCaslan, D.T., Photographer's Mate 3rd Class, USN. (in service, 1967)
- McClure, Photographer's Mate, USN. (in service on USS Sicily, 1951)
- McColley, Virgil C., Senior Chief Photographer's Mate, USN. (in service, 1973)
- McCombs, J.W., Chief Photographer's Mate, USN, (in service, 1964)
- McDaniel, Rolla, (active
circa 1911-1912)
- McDonald, A.J.,
(active at San Francisco, California, 1891)
- McDougall & Keefe, (Active at Boothbay Harbor, Maine, circa 1918-1919)
- McGee, S.D., Chief Yeoman, USN. (in service on USS Chestnut Hill, 1918)
- McIntosh, Burr, (active
in the New England area, 1905)
- McKnight, (active circa 1919)
- McLawhorn, B.A., Lieutenant, USN (in service, 1951)
- McMillan, (active
at Vallejo, California, circa early 1900s)
- McPherson & Oliver,
(active at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1864)
- Manger, Henry
T., Tech4, U.S. Army (in service in the Pacific, 1944)
- Marceau (active
at San Francisco, California, circa 1892-93)
- Marquart, Frank A., Photographer's Mate 3rd Class, USN. (active in 1990)
- Martin. (Probably
a Navy photographer, in service, 1927)
- Mason, B.L., (active
in 1964)
- Mason, Bill, (active as Chief of Naval Operations Photographer, 1968)
- Mathews, J.P., Commander,
USN. (in service, 1975)
- Matthews, Albert C., Photographer's Mate 1st Class, USN. (in service, 1978)
- May, Machinist's
Mate, USN (Served in USS Decatur in 1903-04)
- Mayberry, Head-, (active at New York City, 1919)
- Mayberry, M.C.
(Active in the firm of Mayberry & Smith, Schreveport, Louisiana,
- Maxwell, W.C.,
Photographer's Mate 3rd Class, USN (in service, 1962)
- Meade, T.J.,
Photographer's Mate 1st Class, USN (in service, 1964)
- Meents, Heinr.,
(active at Wilhelmshaven, Germany, circa 1914-1916)
- Melding, Jackson and, (active circa 1912)
- Metcalf & Welldon,
(active at Boston, Massachusetts, circa 1860s-1870s)
- Mette, Nicola,
(active at the Boston Naval Shipyard, Massachusetts, 1964)
- Meyer, E.L.,
(active at Seattle, Washington, 1908)
- Miles, A.T.. (active at Bremerton, Washington, 1907)
- Miller, Turrill &,
(active at San Francisco, California, 1904)
- Minerich, Chris,
(active at Fort Lawton, Washington, circa 1954-1955)
- Mitchell, Terry C., Chief Photographer's Mate, USN. (in service, 1984)
- Mitsukoshi & Co.,
(active at Tokyo, Japan, 1908)
- Moak, Scott A.,
Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USN (in service, 1996)
- Modern Photo Shop,
(active at Brooklyn, New York, circa 1919)
- Moen, R.M., Photographer's
Mate 1st Class, USN. (in service on board USS Kitty Hawk,
- Moeser, Robert D., Chief
Journalist, USN. (in service, circa 1948-1968)
- Moiz, Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USN. (in service, 1963)
- Monks & Johnson,
(active at Boston, Massachusetts, 1919)
- Montelongo, Chief Photographer's Mate, USN. (in service, 1959)
- Montgomery, Don
S., USN (Retired)
- Moon, Don P., Rear Admiral, USN (1894-1944). See also his biographical and photographic entry.
- Moore. (active at Newport News, Virginia, 1919)
- Moore, J.I., Commander,
USN. (in service, 1965)
- Moorer, B.L., Chief Photographer's Mate, USN. (in service, 1967)
- Morand, Augustus, (Active at Brooklyn, New York, circa 1862)
- Moser, N., (active in
the New York City area, during the first decades of the 20th
- Mosier, W.R.,
Photographer's Mate 2nd Class, USN (active circa 1966)
- Muller, Enrique, and Robert E. Muller ("E. Muller Jr."). (active circa 1898-1919)
- Murell & Co., (active at Sydney, New South Wales, Australia, circa the early 1900s)
To the best of our knowledge, the pictures referenced here
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History
and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 3 January 2004
New photographer added 15 February 2011