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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter J
This page lists all J-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
J-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- J.B. Walker
(Schooner & Barge, 1879)
- J.L. Smallwood (or T.L. Smallwood) (Steamship, 1865-1867). Originally the blockade runner Banshee (1862). Later renamed Irene
- J.M. Fox
(Freighter, 1917). Renamed Jeannette Skinner before completion
- J.M. Guffey
(Tanker, 1902). Later renamed Meloria
- J.P. Jackson
(Ferry Steamship, 1860-1871). Originally named John P. Jackson
- J. Reyner & Son (Motor Boat, 1916)
- Jacana (Steamer capsized in storm, circa the 1910s) -- Possible identification
- Jack Scully (Harbor
Tug, 1891). Previously named H.M.C. Smith
- Jack T. Scully (Harbor Tug, 1899). Later renamed Mariner
- Jackson, John P. (Ferry Steamship, 1860-1871). Properly called John P. Jackson, and later J.P. Jackson
- Jackstar
(Cargo Ship, 1918-1955). Originally named Santa Olivia
- James, Catherine (Steam Lighter, in service prior to World War I). Properly called Catherine James
- James, W.T.
(Steam Fishing Vessel, 1912-1919). Properly called W.T. James
- James Adger
(Steamship, 1852-1878)
- James L. Richards
(Collier, 1916). Originally named Munalbro
- James S. Lowell
(Schooner, collided with USS Tallapoosa
in August 1884)
- Jan van Nassau (Dutch Freighter, 1913)
- Jaydee III (Motor
Boat, 1916)
- Jean
(Freighter, 1909). Later renamed Margarita Calafati, Gladstone, Sports and Magdalena
- Jeannette
(Steam Yacht, 1878)
- Jeannette Skinner
(Freighter, 1917). Originally named J.M. Fox
- Jefferson
(Passenger Steamship, 1899)
- Jennie S. Wade (Harbor Tug, active at New York City, 1919)
- Jensen, Fie (Freighter, 1900). Properly called Fie Jensen
- Jerah Swift
(Whaling Ship or Bark, destroyed 22 June 1865 by CSS Shendandoah)
- Jessamine (Motor
Boat, 1907)
- Jimetta (Motor
Boat, 1915). Originally named Frances II
- Joanna (Motor Boat,
- Johannes Jck. (Paddle Steamer, active at Danzig, Germany, 1919)
- John A. Palmer, Jr.
(Fishing Vessel, 1911)
- John B. Hinton (Fishing Vessel, 1912)
- John G. Murley
(Fishing Vessel, 1939)
- John G. Olsen (Harbor
Tug, 1916)
- John J. O'Hagan (Freighter, 1918). Originally named Lake Geneva. Later renamed Adelanto
- John M. Connelly (Tanker, 1918). Later renamed Point Breeze
- John P. Jackson (Ferry Steamship, 1860-1871). Later renamed J.P. Jackson
- John S. Beacham
(3-masted schooner, in service in 1902)
- John S. Olsen (Harbor
Tug, circa 1917)
- John P. King (Steamship,
- Johnson, Catherine (Powered Lighter, 1913). Properly called Catherine Johnson
- Johnson, George H. (Powered Lighter). Properly called George H. Johnson
- Johnson, President (Passenger Liner, 1904). Properly called President Johnson
- Jones, Stephen R.
(Collier, 1915). Properly called Stephen R. Jones
- Joseph F. Bellows (Fishing Vessel, 1912)
- Joseph O'Riorden (Harbor Tug, 1893). Later renamed Dorothy Cullen
- Josephine (Motor
Yacht, 1905)
- Josephine (Motor
Boat, 1913)
- Josephine
(Motor Boat, 1916)
- Josephus (Seagoing
Barge, 1876)
- Joseph M. Clark
(Harbor Tug, 1899)
- Joseph Park
(Brig, destroyed by CSS Sumter,
September 1861)
- Joseph Whitney
(Steamship, active in early 1861)
- Joyance (Steam Yacht,
1907). Previously named Cavalier
- Julia Eleanor (Fishing
Vessel, 1937)
- Julia Luckenbach
(Freighter, 1917)
- Juniata
(Steamship, 1860-1902). Named South Carolina until 1866
- Juniata (Motor Yacht, 1911)
- Jupiter
(Freighter, 1917). Renamed Democracy in 1918
To the best of our knowledge, the Online Library's pictures
are all in the Public Domain, and can therefore be freely downloaded
and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
to Naval History and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 14 May 2002
New ships added 31 January 2011