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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter P
This page lists all P-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
P-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- P.R.R. No. 9 (Harbor Tug, 1904). Also called Pennsylvania R.R. No. 9
- Page, William N. (Collier/Freighter, 1918). Properly called William N. Page
- Palmer, John A., Jr.
(Fishing Vessel, 1911). Properly called John A. Palmer, Jr.
- Paloma (Motor
Boat, 1914)
- Panaghis Vergottis (Freighter, 1918). Previously named War Swift and Lake Weston. Later renamed Strand, Rundo, Salt, Solbritt and Fidelia
- Panama (Motor Boat, 1914)
- Panaman (Freighter, 1913)
- Panamanian (Passenger-Cargo Steamship, 1904). Previously named Mongolia and President Fillmore
- Pannonia
(Cargo Ship, 1903. Renamed 1922). Previously USS Keresaspa
(ID # 1484)
- Panuco (Freighter, 1917)
- Paralos II (Panamanian Freighter, 1918). Previously named West Elcajon, Golden Kauri and Waipio
- Paris (Passenger Liner, 1889). Originally named City of Paris. Renamed Philadelphia in 1901
- Parthenia (Steam Yacht, 1903)
- Parthenia
(British Freighter, 1918). Previously named Mercer and Empire Kangaroo. Later renamed Erminia Mazzella and Pina Onorato
- Pasadena (Freighter, 1918)
- Pass of Killiecrankie (British Bark, 1894). Later renamed Dyveke Torrey and Stifinder
- Patchogue (Steam Ferryboat, 1912)
- Patricia (German Passenger Liner, 1899)
- Patrol # 1 (Motor
Boat, 1916)
- Patrol # 4 (Motor
Boat, 1915)
- Patrol # 8 (Motor
Boat, 1916)
- Paula (Motor Boat, 1910). Also named Virginia
- Pawnee (Steam Yacht, 1904)
- Paysandu (Uruguayan Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1898). Originally named Bahia
- Pearl (Barge, in service at New York, 1918)
- Pedrick, Norman O. ("Liberty" type Tanker, 1944-1970). Properly called Norman O. Pedrick
- Peerless (Freighter,
1917). Originally and later named Eagle
- Peh Shan (Chinese Freighter, 1913). Originally named Frieda. Later renamed Norse Carrier and Sana Maru
- Pennoil (German Tanker, 1902). Later renamed Gargoyle, Oswego, Queen Maeve, Petroil and Zenobia Martini
- Pennsylvania (German
Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1896). Later renamed Nansemond
- Pennsylvania R.R. No. 9 (Harbor Tug, 1904). Also called P.R.R. No. 9
- Pennsylvania R.R. No. 241 (Barge, in service circa 1917-1919)
- Pennsylvania Sun
(Motor Tanker, 1938-ca.1965). Renamed Stephanitor in 1955.
- Pequot (American Freighter, 1910). Originally named Ockenfels
- Peter H. Crowell (Freighter, 1912)
- Petroil (Tanker, 1902). Previously named Pennoil, Gargoyle, Oswego, and Queen Maeve. Later renamed Zenobia Martini
- Phineas Sprague (Steamship, 1857-1876). Later renamed Flag
- Phoenix Bridge
(Freighter, 1918)
- Philadelphia (Steamship, 1859-1873). Renamed Ironsides in 1869
- Philadelphia (Passenger Liner, 1889). Previously named City of Paris and Paris
- Picardier (Belgian Freighter, 1917). Previously named Lake Michigan
- Pilot Boy (Steamship, in service along the U.S. southeastern coast, circa 1913-1914)
- Pilsbury, Edwin L. (Harbor Tug, 1906). Properly called Edwin L. Pilsbury
- Pina Onorato
(Italian Freighter, 1918). Previously named Mercer, Empire Kangaroo, Parthenia and Erminia Mazzella
- Pioneer (Ferry, 1883). Later renamed Pontiac
- Pirate (Motor
Boat, 1916)
- Planter (Steamship,
- Pleiades (Freighter, 1900). Later renamed Segundo, Cabo Santa Maria and Mina Piqurea
- Plymouth (Collier, 1915)
- Pocomoke (Tug, 1906)
- Point Bonita (Freighter, 1918). Later renamed San Pedro and Oliver Olson
- Point Breeze (Tanker, 1918). Originally named John M. Connelly
- Polar Bear (Freighter, 1918)
- Polar Land (Refrigerated Cargo Ship, 1918)
- Polar Sea (Refrigerated Cargo Ship, 1918). Launched as Warrenton
- Polar Star (Refrigerated Cargo Ship, 1918)
- Politesse (Motor Boat, 1911)
- Polly (Motor
Boat, 1909). Previously named Howmornel and Kahkin IV
- Polynesien (French Passenger Liner, 1890-1918)
- Pontiac (Ferry, 1883). Previously named Pioneer
- Porto Rico (Passenger-Cargo
Steamer, 1903). Previously named Prinz Joachim and Moccasin
- Postmaster General (Harbor Passenger Steamer, 1898)
- Poznam (Freighter, 1913). Previously named Mark and Suwanee
- Präsident (German Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1905)
- Pratt, Herbert L. (Tanker, 1918-1946). Properly called Herbert L. Pratt
- Prentiss, A.G. (Harbor Tug, 1912). Properly called A.G. Prentiss
- President (American Harbor Tug, in service 1918)
- President Arthur (German and American Passenger Liner, 1900). Previously named Kiautschou, Princess Alice and Princess Matoika. Later renamed City of Honolulu
- President Fillmore (Passenger Liner, 1899). Previously named Hamburg, Red Cross and Hudson
- President Fillmore (Passenger-Cargo Steamship, 1904). Previously named Mongolia. Later renamed Panamanian
- President Johnson (Passenger Liner, 1904). Named Manchuria until 1928
- President Lincoln (German Passenger Liner, 1907)
- Pretoria (German Passenger Liner, 1897)
- Princess Alice (German and American Passenger Liner, 1900). Previously named Kiautschou. Later renamed Princess Matoika, President Arthur and City of Honolulu
- Princess Matoika (German and American Passenger Liner, 1900). Previously named Kiautschou and Princess Alice. Later renamed President Arthur and City of Honolulu
- Prinz Eitel Friedrich (German Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1901). Later renamed Otsego
- Prinz Eitel Friedrich (German Passenger Steamer, 1904). Later renamed DeKalb and Mount Clay
- Prinz Friedrich Wilhelm (German Passenger Steamer, 1908)
- Prinz Joachim (Passenger-Cargo Steamer, 1903). Later renamed Moccasin and Porto Rico
- Priscilla (Schooner, 1884)
- Progressive (Harbor Tug, 1916)
- Prometheus (Tanker, 1903). Later renamed Cushing and Chinampa
- Prosper (Harbor Tug, in service at Seattle, Washington, 1918)
- Protea (Passenger Ship, 1920). Previously named American Banker, Ville d'Anvers and City of Athens. Later renamed Arosa Kulm
- Protector (Tug, 1882)
- Psyche V (Motor
Boat, 1911). Previously named Achelous
- Puritan (Great Lakes Passenger Steamship, 1901). Later renamed George M. Cox
- Purley Oaks (British Freighter, 1907). Previously named Morawitz, Kermoor and Morawitz
- Putnam, William G. (Tug, 1857). Properly called William G. Putnam
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and used for any purpose.
Some images linked from this page may bear obsolete credit lines
citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
History and Heritage Command".
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and Heritage Command home page.
Page made 14 May 2002
New ship added 30 January 2011