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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter B
This page lists all B-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
B-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- B-1 (Submarine # 10, later SS-10), 1907-1922. Name changed from Viper in 1911
- B-2 (Submarine # 11, later SS-11), 1907-1922. Name changed from Cuttlefish in 1911
- B-3 (Submarine # 12, later SS-12), 1907-1922. Name changed from Tarantula in 1911
- B.F. Macomber (SP-980), patrol vessel, 1917-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- B.H.B. Hubbard (SP-416), 1917-1919. Also known as Hubbard
- Bab (1917-1918)
- Babbitt (Destroyer # 128, later DD-128 & AG-102), 1919-1946
- Babette II (SP-484), 1917-1919
- Bache (DD-470, later DDE-470 & DD-470), 1942-1968
- Badger (1898-1900)
- Badger (Destroyer # 126, later DD-126), 1919-1945
- Badger (DE-1071, later FF-1071), 1970-1998
- Badger, George E. (DD-196, later AVP-16, AVD-3, DD-196, APD-33 & DD-196), 1920-1946. Properly called George E. Badger
- Badger, Charles J. (DD-657), 1943-1974. Properly called Charles J. Badger
- Badoeng Strait (CVE-116, later AKV-16), 1945-1972
- Bagheera (SP-963), patrol boat, 1917-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Bagley (Destroyer # 185, later DD-185), 1919-1940. Renamed DD-185 in 1935 and Doran in 1939
- Bagley (DD-386), 1937-1947
- Badger (DE-1071, later FF-1071), 1970-1998
- Bailey (ID # 2370), circa 1918-1919. Later renamed Coal Barge # 418
- Bailey (Destroyer # 269, later DD-269), 1919-1940
- Bailey (DD-492), 1942-1969
- Bailey, Kenneth D. (DD-713, later DDR-713 & DD-713), 1945-1975. Properly called Kenneth D. Bailey
- Bainbridge (1842-1863)
- Bainbridge (Destroyer # 1), 1902-1920
- Bainbridge (DD-246), 1921-1945
- Bainbridge (DLGN-25, later CGN-25), 1962-1997
- Bairoko (CVE-115, later AKV-15), 1945-1960
- Balao (SS-285, later AGSS-285), 1943-1963.
- Balch (Destroyer # 50, later DD-50), 1914-1935. Renamed DD-50 in 1933
- Balch (DD-363), 1936-1946
- Baldwin (DD-624), 1943-1961
- Bali (ID # 2483), 1918-1919
- Ballard (DD-267, later
AVD-10), 1919-1946
- Baltimore (Cruiser
# 3, later CM-1), 1890-1942
- Baltimore (CA-68), 1943-1972
- Banago (ID # 3810), 1918-1918
- Bancroft (1893-1906)
- Bancroft (ID # 3594), cargo ship, 1918. No USN service. No image is available, or known to exist
- Bancroft (Destroyer # 256, later DD-256), 1919-1940
- Bandera (APA-131), 1944-1974
- Bang (SS-385), 1943-1972
- Bangor (PF-16). 1944-1947
- Banshee (1864-1865)
- Barataria (AVP-33), 1944-1948
- Barb (SS-220), 1942-1954
- Barbara (SP-704), patrol boat, 1917-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barbarossa (ID # 3012), 1917-1919. Renamed Mercury in 1917
- Barbey (DE-1088, later FF-1088) 1972-1994
- Barge # 6 (ID # 3373), in service 1918-1919. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 148
- Barge # 8 (ID # 2876), circa 1918-1919. Later renamed Coal Barge # 430
- Barge # 8 (ID # 3397), lighter, 1918-1956+. Later renamed YC-623 and YF-256. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 10 (ID # 3384), lighter, 1918-1956+. Later renamed YC-624. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 11 (ID # 3374), lighter, 1918-1956+. Later renamed YC-625. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 12 (ID # 3398), lighter, 1918-1956. Later renamed YC-626 and YFNX-3. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 14 (ID # 2881), lighter, 1918-1922. Later renamed YC-431. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 16 (ID # 2875), lighter, 1918-1922. Later renamed YC-432. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge # 62 (ID # 2729), 1918-1931. Later renamed Floating Derrick # 39, YD-39 and YF-197
- Barge # 66 (ID # 2604), 1918-1947. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 92 and YF-92
- Barge # 70 (ID # 2678), 1918-1947. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 93 and YF-93
- Barge # 72 (ID # 2986), 1918-1947. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 94 and YF-94
- Barge # 76 (ID # 3030), 1918-1947. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 95 and YF-95
- Barge # 84 (ID # 3168), 1918-1947. Later renamed Freight Lighter # 96 and YF-96
- Barge # 442, Concrete, 1918-1923. Later renamed Coal Barge # 442 and YC-442
- Barge # 443, Concrete (ID # 3764), lighter, ca.1918-ca.1920. Later renamed YC-443. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barge at San Pedro (ID # 1668), special-type barge, ca.1918-1918. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barker (Destroyer # 213, later DD-213), 1919-1945
- Barnegat (SP-1232), tug, 1917-1920. Originally named Luckenbach # 1. No image is available, or known to exist
- Barnegat (AVP-10), 1941-1958
- Barnes (ACV-20, later
CVE-20 and CVHE-20), 1943-1959
- Barnes, Robert L. (ID # 3088, later AK-11, AO-14 and AG-27), 1918-1941. Properly called Robert L. Barnes
- Barnett (SP-1149, later YT-29), 1917-1936
- Barnett (AP-11, later
APA-5), 1940-1946
- Barney (Destroyer # 149, later DD-149 & AG-113), 1919-1946
- Barney (DDG-6), 1962-2005
- Baron de Kalb (1862-1863).
Originally named Saint Louis
- Barracuda (Submarine # 21), 1912-1922. Name changed to F-2 in November 1911, while under construction
- Barracuda (SP-845), 1917-1919
- Barry (Destroyer # 2), 1902-1920
- Barry (DD-248, later APD-29), 1920-1945
- Barry (DD-933), 1956-____
- Barry (DDG-52), 1992-____
- Barton (DD-599), 1942-1942
- Barton (DD-722), 1943-1969
- Basilone (DDE-824, later DD-824), 1949-1982
- Bass, Brinkley (DD-887), 1945-1973. Properly called Brinkley Bass
- Bat (1864-1865)
- Bataan (CVL-29), 1943-1961
- Bates (DE-68, later APD-47), 1943-1945
- Bath (ID # 1997, later AK-4), 1917-1926
- Batjan (1918-1919)
- Bauer, Harry F. (DM-26, later MMD-26. Begun as DD-738), 1944-1974. Properly called Harry F. Bauer
- Bausell (DD-845), 1946-1978
- Bavaria (ID # 2179), 1918-1918
- Bayfield (APA-33), 1943-1969
- Bayocean (ID # 2640), 1918-1921. Name also spelled Bay Ocean
- Bayonne (PF-21), 1945-1953
- Baxley (ID # 4449), 1918-1918
- Bazely (1864-1864),
also called Beta, J.E. Bazely and Tug No. 2
- Beale (Destroyer # 40, later DD-40), 1912-1934
- Beale (DD-471, later DDE-471 and DD-471), 1942-1969
- Bearss (DD-654), 1944-1976
- Beary, Donald B. (DE-1085, later FF-1085 & FFT-1085), 1972-1994. Properly called Donald B. Beary
- Beatty (DD-756). 1945-1972
- Beaufort (ID # 3008, later AK-6), 1917-1925
- Beaufort (PF-59), 1944-1947
- Beaufort (PCS-1387), 1944-1967. Originally named PCS-1387
- Beaumere II (SP-444), 1917-1919
- Beaver (ID # 2302, later AS-5 and ARG-19), 1918-1950
- Bebas (DE-10), 1943-1947
- Beckham (APA-133), 1944-1974
- Belknap (Destroyer # 251, later DD-251, AVD-8, DD-251 & APD-34), 1919-1945
- Belknap (DLG-26, later CG-26), 1964-1998
- Bell (Destroyer # 95, later DD-95), 1918-1939
- Bell (DD-587), 1943-1975
- Bella (ID # 2211), 1918-1920
- Bellatrix (AK-20, later AKA-3), 1942-1963
- Belle (1864-1865)
- Belle Isle (AG-73, later AKS-21), 1944-1960
- Belle of Boston (ID # 3071), auxiliary schooner, 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Belleau Wood (CVL-24, originally CV-24), 1943-1960
- Bellingham (ID # 3552), cargo ship, 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Bellows (SP-323), 1917-1919. Also called Joseph F. Bellows
- Belmont (ID # 2017), barge, 1917-ca.1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Beluga (SP-536), 1917-1918
- Benevolence (AH-13),
- Benfold (DDG-65), 1996-____
- Benham (Destroyer # 49, later DD-49), 1914-1935
- Benham (DD-397),
- Benham (DD-796),
- Benicia (1869-1884). Originally named Algoma
- Benjamin Stoddert (DDG-22), 1964-2001
- Benner (DD-807, later DDR-807 & DD-807), 1945-1975
- Bennington (Gunboat
# 4), 1891-1910
- Bennington (CV-20, later CVA-20 & CVS-20), 1944-1993
- Bennion (DD-662), 1943-1972
- Benson (DD-421), 1940-1954
- Benton (1862-1865)
- Berceau (YFB-3), 1898-1944,
formerly named Talbot (Torpedo boat # 15)
- Bering Strait (AVP-34), 1944-1948
- Berkeley (DDG-15) 1962-1992
- Berkshire (ID # 1578), 1918-1919
- Bermingham, John M. (DE-530), 1944-1946. Properly called John M. Bermingham
- Bernadou (Destroyer # 153, later DD-153), 1919-1945
- Bernard (ID # 2174), 1917-1919
- Berry, Fred T. (DD-858, later DDE-858 & DD-858), 1945-1972. Properly called Fred T. Berry
- Bertell W. King (ID # 3194), 1918-1919
- Berwind (SP-1671), patrol boat, 1917-1917. No image is available, or known to exist
- Berwind (No ID #), 1918. No U.S. Navy service.
- Berwyn (ID # 3565), 1918-1919
- Besoeki (ID # 2534), 1918-1919
- Bessie (SP-1755), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-1755 and Coal Barge # 514
- Bessie H. Dantzler (ID # 3158), harbor tug, 1918-1922. No image is available, or known to exist
- Bessie J. (SP-1919), 1918-1920. Later renamed SP-1919 and Coal Barge # 512
- Bessie Jones (SP-1476), schooner, 1917-1918. No image is available, or known to exist
- Besugo (SS-321, later AGSS-321), 1944-1966
- Beta (1864-1864),
also called Bazely, J.E. Bazely and Tug No.
- Betelgeuse (AK-28, later AKA-11), 1941-1946
- Betty Jane I (ID # 3458), 1917-1919
- Betty M. II (SP-623), 1917-1919
- Beukelsdijk (ID # 3135), 1918-1919
- Biddle (Destroyer # 151, later DD-151 & AG-114), 1919-1946
- Biddle (DDG-5), 1962-2001.
Renamed Claude V. Ricketts in 1964
- Biddle (DLG-34, later CG-34), 1967-2002
- Bie & Schiott (ID # 2871), 1918-1922. Later renamed YP-2871
- Bienville (1861-1867)
- Biesbosch (ID # 2499), 1918-1919
- Bigelow (DD-942), 1957-1999
- Billingsley (DD-293),
- Billow (ID # 1704), 1918-1918
- Biloxi (CL-80),
- Birgit (AKA-24),
- Birmingham (Scout Cruiser # 2, later CL-2), 1908-1930
- Birmingham (CL-62),
- Biscayne (AVP-11, later AGC-18),
1941-1946. Later USCGC Dexter
- Bismarck Sea (CVE-95), 1944-1945
- Bivalve (ID # 2472), 1918-1919
- Black (DD-666), 1943-1971
- Black Arrow (ID # 3913, later ID # 1534), 1919-1919
- Black Hawk (1862-1865),
briefly named New Uncle Sam in 1862
- Black Hawk (AD-9, originally ID # 2140), 1918-1948
- Blakeley (Destroyer # 150, later DD-150), 1919-1945
- Blakely (DE-1072, later FF-1072), 1970-1999
- Blanche (1918-1919)
- Blandy (DD-943), 1957-1994
- Blessman (DE-69, later APD-48), 1943-1967
- Block Island (ACV-21, later CVE-21), 1943-1944
- Blue (DD-387),
- Blue (DD-744), 1944-1977
- Blue Bird (SP-465), 1917-1919
- Blue Ridge (ID # 2432),
- Bobby (No ID #), motor boat, 1918. Apparently no actual U.S. Navy service. No image is available, or known to exist
- Bobylu (ID # 1513), 1917-1918
- Boggs (Destroyer
# 136, later DD-136, IX-36, AG-19, DMS-3 and AG-19), 1918-1946
- Bogue (ACV-9, later CVE-9 and CVHE-9), 1942-1960
- Boise (CL-47),
- Bole, John A. (DD-755), 1945-1974. Properly called John A. Bole
- Bon Homme Richard (CV-31, later CVA-31), 1944-1992
- Bonita (Submarine # 15), 1909-1920. Renamed C-4 in 1911
- Bonita (SP-540), 1917-1918
- Bonita (SS-165), 1926-1945. Name changed from V-3 (SF-6) in 1931
- Boothbay (ID # 1708), 1917-1930. Renamed Grampus in 1920
- Bordelon (DD-881, later DDR-881 & DD-881), 1945-1977
- Borie (Destroyer # 215, later DD-215), 1920-1943
- Borie (DD-704), 1944-1972
- Boston (1776)
- Boston (1777-1780)
- Boston (1799-1814)
- Boston (1826-1846)
- Boston (1887-1946),
later renamed Despatch (IX-2)
- Boston (CA-69, later CAG-1), 1943-1975
- Boston, Belle of, (ID # 3071), auxiliary schooner, 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Boston Floating Hospital (ID # 2366), 1918-1918
- Bougainville (CVE-100, later CVU-100 and AKV-35), 1944-1960
- Bouker No. 2 (ID # 1275, later YT-30), 1917-1922
- Bountiful (AH-9), 1917-1948. Named Henderson (Transport # 1, later AP-1) until 1944
- Bowen (DE-1079, later FF-1079 & FFT-1079), 1971-1994
- Boxer (CV-21, later
CVA-21, CVS-21 & LPH-4), 1945-1971
- Boyd (DD-544), 1943-1969
- Boy Scout (SP-53), 1917-circa 1919
- Brackett (DE-41), 1943-1947
- Bradford (DD-545), 1943-1962
- Bradley (DE-1041, later FF-1041), 1965-1989
- Bradley, George H. (SP-327), 1917-1919. Properly called George H. Bradley
- Bragg, General (1862-1865).
Properly called General Bragg
- Braine (DD-630), 1943-1971
- Branch (DD-197), 1920-1940
- Breaker (SP-1707), patrol vessel, 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Breakwater (SP-681), 1917-1921
- Breck (Destroyer # 283, later DD-283), 1919-1931
- Breckinridge (Destroyer # 148, later DD-148 & AG-112), 1919-1946
- Breckinridge, General J.C. (AP-176, later T-AP-176), 1945-1987. Properly called General J.C. Breckinridge
- Breese (Destroyer # 122, later DD-122 & DM-18), 1918-1946
- Bremerton (CA-130), 1945-1974
- Brennan (DE-13), 1943-1946
- Breton (ACV-23, later CVE-23, CVHE-23, CVU-23 and AKV-42), 1943-1972
- Brewton (DE-1086, later FF-1086), 1972-1992
- Bridge (Supply Ship # 1, later AF-1), 1917-1947
- Bridgeport (ID # 3009, later AD-10), 1917-1942
- Brinkley Bass (DD-887), 1945-1973
- Briscoe (DD-977), 1978-2005
- Bristol (DD-857), 1945-1969
- Broad Arrow (ID # 2503), 1918-1919
- Broadbill (SP-823), 1918-1919
- Brooklyn (Armored Cruiser
# 3, CA-3), 1896-1921
- Brooklyn (CL-40), 1937-1951
- Brooks (Destroyer # 232, later DD-232 & APD-10), 1920-1946
- Broome (DD-210, later AG-96), 1919-1946
- Brown (SP-1050), 1917-1923. Also known as Albert Brown
- Brown (DD-546), 1943-1962
- Brown, Jesse L. (DE-1089;
later FF-1089 and FFT-1089), 1973-1994.
Properly called Jesse L. Brown
- Brown, William H.
(1861-1865). Properly called William H. Brown
- Brownson (DD-518), 1943-1943
- Brownson (DD-868), 1945-1977
- Brownsville (PF-10), 1944-1947
- Bruce (DD-329), 1920-1932
- Brush (DD-745), 1944-1969
- Brutus (AC-15), 1898-1922
- Buchanan (Destroyer # 131, later DD-131), 1919-1940
- Buchanan (DD-484), 1942-1949
- Buchanan (DDG-14), 1962-2000
- Buck (SP-1355), 1917-1918. Later renamed SP-1355
- Buck (DD-420), 1940-1943
- Buck (DD-761), 1946-1973
- Buck, Frank H. (ID # 1613), 1918-1919. Properly called Frank H. Buck
- Buckley (DE-51, later DER-51 & DE-51), 1943-1969
- Buckley, Dennis J. (DD-808, later DDR-808 & DD-808), 1945-1974. Properly called Dennis J. Buckley
- Buckner, General Simon B.
(T-AP-123), 1945-1997. Properly called General Simon B. Buckner
- Buenaventura (ID # 1335), 1918-1918. Name also spelled Buena Ventura
- Bueno Padre (No ID #), miscellaneous auxiliary, ca.1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Buford (ID # 3818), 1919
- Buitenzorg (ID # 2541), 1918-1919
- Bullard (DD-660), 1943-1973
- Bullhead (SS-332), 1944-1945
- Bullwheel (YO-46), 1942-1964
- Bulmer (DD-222, later AG-86), 1920-1947
- Bunker Hill (CV-17, later
CVA-17, CVS-17 & AVT-9), 1943-1973
- Bunker Hill (CG-52), 1986-____
- Burke (DE-215, later
APD-65), 1943-1968
- Burke, Arleigh (DDG-51), 1991-____. Properly called Arleigh Burke
- Burns (Destroyer # 171, later DD-171 & DM-11), 1919-1932
- Burns, John Francis (Destroyer # 299, later DD-299), 1920-1931. Properly called John Francis Burns
- Burrows (Destroyer # 29, later DD-29), 1911-1934
- Burrows (DE-105), 1943-1950
- Bush (Destroyer # 166, later DD-166), 1919-1936
- Bush (DD-529), 1943-1945
- Bussum (ID # 2468), 1918-1918
- Butler (DD-636, later DMS-29), 1942-1948
- Byrd, Richard E. (DDG-23), 1964-1993. Properly called Richard E. Byrd
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New ships added 16 Febuary 2011