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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter B
This page lists all B-named Civilian Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
B-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- B.H.B. Hubbard (Fishing Vessel, 1911)
- Babette II (Motor Boat, 1917)
- Bahia (German Passenger-Cargo Ship, 1898). Later renamed Paysandu
- Bailey (Barge, 1896)
- Bali (Dutch Freighter, 1917)
- Banshee (Blockade Running Steamship, 1862). Later renamed T.L. Smallwood (or J.L. Smallwood) and Irene
- Baranof
(Passenger Ship, 1919). Originally named Santa Elisa
- Barbarossa (German Passenger Liner, 1896)
- Barge # 6 (Barge, in service in 1918)
- Barge # 8 (Barge, 1917)
- Barge # 62 (Barge, 1904)
- Barge # 64 (Barge, 1918)
- Barge # 66 (Barge, 1918)
- Barge # 70 (Barge, 1918)
- Barge # 72 (Barge, 1918)
- Barge # 76 (Barge, 1918)
- Barge # 84 (Barge, 1918)
- Barnes, Robert L. (Freighter, 1917). Properly called Robert L. Barnes
- Barnett, The (Steam Tug, 1911)
- Barracuda (Motor Boat, 1916)
- Bat (Blockade Running Steamship, 1864). Later renamed Teazer and Miramichi
- Batjan (Dutch Freighter, 1913)
- Baxley (Freighter, 1918)
- Bay City (Paddle-wheel Ferry Steamer, active at Vallejo, California, 1920s)
- Beacham, John S. (3-masted schooner, in service in 1902). Properly called John S. Beacham
- Beaumere II (Motor Boat, 1914). Formerly named Madge II. Also called Beaumere
- Beaver (Passenger Steamship, 1910)
- Belgica (Belgian Freighter, 1918). Previously named War Compass, Aurora, Carabinier and Yzerhandel. Later renamed Haarfagre, Helmi L., and Karl-Erik
- Bella (Freighter, 1906)
- Bellows, Joseph F. (Fishing Vessel, 1912). Properly called Joseph F. Bellows
- Beluga (Motor Boat, 1911). Formerly named Gaviota
- Belvidere (Steamship, employed as a transport in 1862)
- Berengaria (British Passenger Liner, 1913). Originally the German liner Imperator
- Berkshire (Passenger Steamship, 1881)
- Berkshire (River Passenger Steamship, 1908)
- Bernard (Harbor Tug, 1912)
- Bertell W. King (Barge, 1901)
- Berwind (Freighter, 1893)
- Berwyn (Freighter, 1918)
- Besoeki (Dutch Freighter, 1901)
- Bessie (Barge, 1899)
- Bessie J. (Barge)
- Bestik
(Freighter, 1918). Previously named War Valour and Lake Tulare. Later renamed Hai Hsiang
- Betty Jane I (Motor Boat, 1913)
- Betty M. II (Motor Boat, 1916)
- Beukelsdijk (Dutch Freighter, 1903). Originally named Grangeburg
- Beulah M. (Small craft, in service in the Hampton Roads area, Virginia, circa 1917)
- Bie & Schiott (Motor Boat, 1918)
- Bienville (Steamship, 1860)
- Biesbosch (Dutch Steamship, 1916)
- Billow (Fishing Vessel, 1912)
- Bivalve (Oyster Boat, 1901)
- Bjerka (Norwegian Freighter, 1916). Previously named Levisa. Later renamed Foo Ming
- Black Arrow (Freighter, 1904). Previously named Rhaetia and Black Hawk
- Black Falcon
(Freighter, 1919). Originally named Sac City. Later renamed Mary Luckenbach
- Black Hawk (Freighter, 1904). Previously named Rhaetia. Later renamed Black Arrow
- Blanche (Harbor Tug, 1878)
- Blue Bell (Steam Tug, 1904). Later renamed Virginian
- Blue Bird (Motor Boat, 1911). Previously named Houqua and Parthenia
- Bobylu
(Motor Boat, 1915)
- Bochum (German Freighter, 1912). Later renamed Montpelier
- Boomerang II (Motor Boat, 1916). Later named Raazoo
- Boothbay (Ferry Steamer, 1907)
- Bories, Gobernador (Freighter, 1893). Properly called Gobernador Bories
- Boston (Steamship, employed as a transport in 1862)
- Boston (Coastal Passenger and Freight Steamship, 1890). Later renamed Cambridge
- Boston (Motor Boat,
1907). Later named Mary
- Boston Floating Hospital (Hospital Excursion Steamer, 1906)
- Bouker # 2 (Tug,
- Boy Scout (Motor Boat,
- Bradley, George H. (Fishing Vessel, 1871). Properly called George H. Bradley
- Brazil (Passenger Liner,
1928). Originally named Virginia
- Breslau (German Steamship, 1901)
- Brilliant (Tug,
- Brinkburn (British Steamship, in service 1918)
- Britannia (Harbor Tug, in service at Newport News, Virginia, 1919)
- Broadbill (Motor Boat,
- Broad Arrow (Tanker, 1918)
- Brookvale (British Freighter, 1905). Originally named Arvonian. Later renamed Spidola and Rudau
- Brown, W.H.
(Tug, 1897). Properly called W.H. Brown
- Buck, Frank H. (Tanker, 1914). Properly called Frank H. Buck
- Buenaventura (Freighter, 1913). Name also spelled Buena Ventura
- Buitenzorg (Dutch Freighter, 1916)
- Bunker Hill (Coastal Passenger Ship, 1907)
- Burgeo Star (Freighter, 1909). Previously named Vogesen and Quincy. Later renamed Haida
- Bussum (Dutch Freighter, 1917)
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Page made 14 May 2002
New ships added 31 January 2011