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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter L
This page lists all L-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
L-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- L-1 (Submarine # 40, later SS-40), 1916-1922
- L-2 (Submarine # 41, later SS-41), 1916-1933
- L-3 (Submarine # 42, later SS-42), 1916-1933
- L-4 (Submarine # 43, later SS-43), 1916-1922
- L-5 (Submarine # 44, later SS-44), 1918-1925
- L-6 (Submarine # 45, later SS-45), 1917-1925
- L-7 (Submarine # 46, later SS-46), 1917-1925
- L-8 (Submarine # 48, later SS-48), 1917-1925
- L-9 (Submarine # 49, later SS-49), 1916-1933
- L-10 (Submarine # 50, later SS-50), 1916-1922
- L-11 (Submarine # 51, later SS-51), 1916-1933
- Laboon (DDG-58), 1995-____
- Lady Sterling (1865-1869),
renamed Hornet in June 1865
- Laertes (AR-20), 1945-1972
- Lafayette (1863-1866)
- Lagarto (SS-371), 1944-1945
- Laffey (DD-459), 1942-1942
- Laffey (DD-724), 1944-1975
- Lake Arthur (ID # 2915), 1918-1919
- Lake Benbow (No ID #, cargo ship), 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Lake Berdan (ID # 4276-C, cargo ship), 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Lake Blanchester (ID # 3597-C, cargo ship), 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Lake Bloomington (No ID #, cargo ship), 1918-1918 (wrecked 11 December 1918). No image is available, or known to exist
- Lake Borgne (No ID #, cargo ship), 1918-1918
- Lake Bridge (ID # 2990), 1918-1919
- Lake Catherine (ID # 3568), 1918-1919
- Lake Champlain (ID # 1791), 1918-1919
- Lake Champlain (CV-39, later CVA-39 & CVS-39), 1945-1972
- Lake Champlain (CG-57), 1988-____
- Lake Charlotte (ID # 4394), 1918-1919
- Lake Conesus (ID # 4331), 1918-1919
- Lake Daraga (ID # 4428), 1918-1919
- Lake Dymer (ID # 4131), 1918-1919
- Lake Erie (ID # 2190), 1918-1919
- Lake Erie (CG-70), 1993-____
- Lake Fernwood (ID # 4410), 1918-1919
- Lake Forest (ID # 2991), 1918-1919
- Lake Francis (ID # 4406), 1918-1919
- Lake Gakona (ID # 4409-A), 1918-1919
- Lake Garza (ID # 4086-A), 1918-1919
- Lake Gaspar (ID # 4086), 1918-1919
- Lake Gedney (ID # 3765-C), 1918-1919
- Lake Geneva (ID # 4215-B), 1918-1919 and 1941-1947. Later renamed Manomet (AG-37) and Aries (AK-51)
- Lake Harris (ID # 4429-A), 1918-1919
- Lake Helen (ID # 4215-E), 1918-1919
- Lake Mary (ID # 4269), 1918-1919
- Lake Michigan (ID # 2993), 1918-1919
- Lake Ontario (ID # 2992), 1918-1919
- Lake Pepin (ID # 4215), 1918-1919
- Lake Pewaukee (ID # 2906), 1918-1919
- Lake Port (ID # 2994), 1918-1919. Properly called Lakeport
- Lake St. Clair (ID # 2904), 1918-1919
- Lake St. Regis (ID # 4161), 1918-1919
- Lake Shore (ID # 1792), 1918-1919. Later (1942-1946) named Taganak (AG-45)
- Lake Side (ID # 2158), 1918-1919. Properly called Lakeside
- Lake Sunapee (ID # 4369-B), 1918-1919
- Lake Superior (ID # 2995), 1918-1919. Later (1942-1946) named Tuluran (AG-46)
- Lake Tahoe (ID # 2996), 1918-1919. Later renamed Evansville
- Lake Traverse (ID # 2782), 1918-1919
- Lake Tulare (ID # 2652), 1918-1919
- Lake View (ID # 2186), 1918-1919. Properly called Lakeview
- Lake Weston (ID # 2926), 1918-1919
- Lake Wood, 1917-1919. Properly called Lakewood
- Lake Worth (ID # 2997), 1918-1919
- Lake Yahara (ID # 3974), 1918-1919
- Lake Ypsilanti (ID # 4114), 1919-1919
- Lakeport (ID # 2994), 1918-1919
- Lakeside (ID # 2158), 1918-1919
- Lakeview (ID # 2186), 1918-1919
- Lakewood, 1917-1919
- Lamberton (Destroyer # 119, later DD-119, AG-21, DMS-2 & AG-21), 1918-1947
- Lamson (Destroyer # 18), 1910-1919
- Lamson (DD-328), 1921-1931
- Lamson (DD-367), 1936-1946
- Lancaster
(U.S. Army Ram, 1862-1863)
- Lancaster (ID # 2953), 1918-1919. No image is available, or known to exist
- Land, John (AP-167), 1944-1946. Properly called John Land
- Lang (DD-399), 1939-1946
- Langley (CV-1, later
AV-3), 1922-1942. Originally USS Jupiter (Collier # 3),
- Langley (CVL-27), 1943-1964
- Lansdale (Destroyer # 101, later DM-6), 1918-1939
- Lansdale (DD-426), 1940-1944
- Lansdowne (DD-486), 1942-1949
- Lardner (Destroyer # 286, later DD-286), 1919-1931
- Lardner (DD-487), 1942-1949
- Larson, Everett F. (DD-830, later DDR-830 and DD-830), 1945-1972. Properly called Everett F. Larson
- Latimer (APA-152),
- Laub (Destroyer # 263, later DD-263), 1919-1940
- Laub (DD-613), 1942-1975
- Lauderdale (APA-179),
- Launch # 132 (1891-1928, later YFB-132). Previously Steam Cutter # 132. Later Ferry Launch # 132
- Laura Reed (SP-2009), 1917-1919
- Laurens (APA-153),
- Lavaca (APA-180),
- La Vallette (DD-315), 1920-1931
- La Vallette (DD-448), 1942-1974
- Lawe, William C. (DD-763), 1946-1999. Properly called William C. Lawe
- Lawrence (1813-1825)
- Lawrence (Destroyer # 8),
- Lawrence (DD-250),
- Lawrence (DDG-4),
- Lawrence, Charles (DE-53, later APD-37), 1943-1966. Properly called Charles Lawrence
- LCI(L)-191 (1943-1948).
Later LCI(G)-191
- LCI(L)-196 (1943-1947).
Later LCI(G)-196
- LCI(L)-809 (1944-1947).
Later LCI(G)-809 and LCI(M)-809
- LCI(L)-815 (1944-1948)
- LCS(L)(3)-13 (1944-1953).
Later renamed LSSL-13
- LCT-222 (in service, circa 1943)
- LCT-357 (in service, 1943)
- LCT(6)-582 (1943-1944)
- LCT(6)-1362 (1944-1954).
Later renamed LSU-1362 and LCU-1362
- Lea (Destroyer # 118, later DD-118), 1918-1945
- Leahy (DLG-16, later CG-16), 1962-2005
- Leary (Destroyer # 158, later DD-158), 1919-1943
- Leary (DD-879, later DDR-879 & DD-879), 1945-1975
- Lebanon (1898-1922, later AG-2)
- Lee Fox (DE-65, later APD-45), 1943-1966
- Lee, Willis A. (DL-4), 1954-1973. Properly called Willis A. Lee
- Leedstown (AP-73), 1942-1942
- Leedstown (APA-56), 1943-1946
- Leftwich (DD-984), 1979-2003
- Legonia II (SP-399), 1917-1921
- LeHardy (DE-20), 1943-1946
- Lehigh (1863-1904)
- Lenape (ID # 2700), 1918-1918
- Leonard F. Mason (DD-852), 1946-1978
- Leonidas (1898-1922,
later AD-7)
- Letter B (SP-732), 1917-1919
- Leutze (DD-481), 1942-1947
- Leviathan (ID # 1326), 1917-1919
- Levisa (ID # 1573), 1918-1919
- Levy (DE-162), 1943-1974
- Lewes (SP-383), 1917-1919. Also known as City of Lewes
- Lewis Hancock (DD-675), 1943-1967
- Lexington (1861-1865)
- Lexington (CV-2, originally
CC-1), 1927-1942
- Lexington (CV-16, later CVA-16, CVS-16, CVT-16 & AVT-16), 1943-1992
- Leyden (1865-1903)
- Leyte (ARG-8), 1944-1972. Renamed Maui, May 1945
- Leyte (CV-32, later CVA-32, CVS-32 and AVT-10), 1946-1970.
- Leyte Gulf (CG-55), 1987-____
- Liberator (ID # 3134), 1918-1919
- Liberty (ID # 3461), 1918-1919. Designated AK-35 in 1941, but not taken into Navy service
- Liberty (AGTR-5), 1964-1970
- Liberty # 3 (SP-1229), 1917-1919
- Libra (AK-53, later AKA-12), 1942-1964
- Lincoln, Abraham (CVN-72), 1989-____. Properly called Abraham Lincoln
- Lincoln, President (1917-1918). Properly called President Lincoln
- Lind, Wallace L. (DD-703), 1944-1973. Properly called Wallace L. Lind
- Linden (1863-1864,
"Tinclad" # 10)
- Lindsey (DM-32, originally
DD-771, later MMD-32), 1944-1972
- Linnet
(AM-76, later IX-166), 1941-1945
- Linta (SP-721), 1917-1919
- Lioness (U.S. Army Ram, 1862-1865)
- Litchfield (Destroyer # 336, later DD-336 & AG-95), 1920-1946
- Little (DD-79, later APD-4)
- Little (DD-803), 1944-1945
- Little Rock (CL-92, later CLG-4 & CG-4), 1945-1977
- Lively (YT-14)
1898-1930, 1942-45, formerly named Active (YT-14) and
later named YT/YTM-323
- Livermore (DD-429), 1940-1961
- Livingston (AP-163, later AK-222), 1943-1973
- Lloyd Thomas (DD-764, later DDK-764, DDE-764 & DD-764), 1947-1972
- Lodona (1863-1865)
- Lofberg (DD-759), 1945-1974
- Long (Destroyer # 209, later DD-209 & DMS-12), 1919-1945
- Long Beach (ID # 2136, later AK-9), 1917-1922
- Long Beach (PF-34), 1943-1953
- Long Beach (CGN-9), 1961-_____
- Long Island (SP-572), 1917-1919
- Long Island (AVG-1, later ACV-1 and CVE-1), 1941-1947
- Los Alamos (AFDB-7), 1945-1996
- Los Angeles (ID # 1470), 1917-1919
- Los Angeles (ZR-3), Airship 1924-1939
- Los Angeles (CA-135), 1945-1975
- Louise # 2 (SP-1230), 1917-1919
- Louisiana (1861-1864)
- Louisiana (Battleship # 19, later BB-19), 1906-1923
- Louisiana (BB-71).
1940 program -- construction cancelled, 1943.
- Louisville (1862-1865)
- Louisville (ID #
1644), 1918-1919. Previously: USS Saint Louis (1898)
- Louisville (CA-28, originally CL-28), 1931-1959
- Lowndes (APA-154),
- Lowry (DD-770), 1944-1973
- LSM-397 (1945-1958)
- LSSL-13 (1944-1953).
Originally named LCS(L)(3)-13
- LST-1 (1942-1947)
- LST-4 (1943-1947)
- LST-120 (1943-1947)
- LST-228 (1943-1944)
- LST-325 (1943-1964)
- LST-461 (1943-1948)
- LST-481 (1943-1948)
- LST-485 (1943-1948)
- LST-563 (1944-1945)
- LST-646 (1944-1948)
- LST-662 (1944-1946)
- LST-672 (1944-1947)
- LST-676 (1944-late
1950s). Later renamed LST(M)-676 and Yavapai (APB-42)
- LST-702 (1944-1947)
- LST-733 (1944-1947)
- LST-735 (1944-1957).
Later renamed Dukes County (LST-735)
- LST-738 (1944-1944)
- LST-742 (1944-1961).
Later renamed Dunn County (LST-742)
- LST-757 (1944-1948)
- LST-759 (1944-1959).
Later renamed Eddy County (LST-759)
- LST-767 (1944-1946)
- LST-792 (1944-1946)
- LST-823 (1944-1946)
- LST-848 (1945-1970).
Later renamed Jerome County (LST-848)
- LST-1048 (1945-1960).
Later renamed Morgan County (LST-1048)
- LST-1073 (1945-1971).
Later renamed Outagami County (LST-1073)
- LST-1110 (1945-1958).
Later renamed San Bernardino County (LST-1110)
- LST-1130 (1945-1948)
- LST-1141 (1945-1970).
Later renamed Stone County (LST-1141)
- LST-1154 (1949-1970).
Tallahatchie County (LST-1154, later AVB-2)
- LST-1166, 1953-1975. Later renamed Washtenaw County (LST-1166, later MSS-2)
- LSU-1362 (1944-1954).
Originally named LCT(6)-1362; later renamed LCU-1362
- Luce (Destroyer # 99, later DM-4), 1918-1936
- Luce (DD-522), 1943-1945
- Luce (DLG-7, later DDG-38), 1961-2004
- Lucia (ID # 3090). No U.S. Navy service
- Lucille Ross (SP-1211),
- Luckenbach # 1 (SP-1232), tug, 1917-1920. Later renamed Barnegat. No image is available, or known to exist
- Luckenbach, Edgar F. (ID # 4597), 1918-1919. Properly called Edgar F. Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, Edward (ID # 1662), 1918-1919. Properly called Edward Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, F.J. (ID # 2160), 1918-1919. Properly called F.J. Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, Julia (ID # 2407), 1918-1919. Properly called Julia Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, K.I. (ID # 2291), 1918-1919. Properly called K.I. Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, Katrina (ID # 3020), 1918-1919. Properly called Katrina Luckenbach
- Luckenbach, Walter A. (ID # 3171), 1918-1919. Properly called Walter A. Luckenbach
- Ludlow (Destroyer # 112, later DM-10, 1918-1931
- Ludlow (DD-438), 1941-1951
- Luella (ID # 2691),
- Lunga Point (CVE-94, later CVU-94 and AKV-32), 1944-1960
- Lydonia (SP-700),
- Lykens (SP-876, later AT-56), 1917-1934
- Lyman K. Swenson (DD-729),
- Lynde McCormick (DDG-8), 1961-2001
- Lyndonia (SP-734),
1917-1921. Renamed Vega, February 1918
- Lynx (SP-2), 1917-1919
- Lynx II (SP-730),
1918-1919. Later renamed SP-730
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citing the organization name: "Naval Historical Center".
Effective 1 December 2008 the name should be cited as: "Naval
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New ship added 27 January 2011