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Online Library of Selected Images:
Names beginning with the letter M
This page lists all M-named U.S. Navy Ships whose
pictures are available through the Online Library.
If the ship you want is not listed on this page, contact the
Photographic Section
concerning other research options.
M-named ships are listed below in alphabetical order.
Scan down the list until you find the ship you want, then click
its entry to access appropriate image pages.
- M-1 (Submarine # 47, later SS-47), 1918-1922
- M.C. Meigs, General
(AP-116, later T-AP-116), 1944-1972. Properly called General M.C. Meigs
- M.J. Scanlon
(ID # 3513), 1918-1919
- M.M. Davis (SP-314), 1917-1919
- Maartensdijk (ID # 2497), 1918-1919
- Macdonough (Destroyer # 9), 1903-1920
- Macdonough (DD-331), 1921-1930
- Macdonough (DD-351), 1935-1946
- Macdonough (DLG-8, later DDG-39), 1961-2003
- Machigonne (SP-507), 1917-1919. Later renamed SP-507
- Machigonne (SP-1043), 1918-1919
- Machias (Gunboat # 5,
PG-5), 1893-1920
- Machias (PF-53), 1944-1953
- MacKenzie (Torpedo Boat # 17), 1899-1916
- MacKenzie (Destroyer # 175, later DD-175), 1919-1940
- MacKenzie (DD-614), 1942-1974
- Mackenzie, George K. (DD-836), 1945-1976. Properly called George K. Mackenzie
- Mackinac (AVP-13), 1942-1949. Later USCGC Mackinac
- Mackinaw (1864-1867)
- MacLeish (DD-220, later AG-87), 1920-1946
- Macomb (DD-458, later DMS-23 & DD-458), 1942-1954
- Macomber, B.F. (SP-980), patrol vessel, 1917-1919. Properly called B.F. Macomber. No image is available, or known to exist
- Macon (ZRS-5), Airship 1933-1935
- Macon (CA-132), 1945-1973
- Macona (ID # 3305), 1918-1919
- Madawaska (ID # 3011), 1917-1919. Originally named König Wilhelm II. Also served as USAT Madawaska and USAT U.S. Grant, 1919-1941; and as USS U.S. Grant (AP-29), 1941-1945.
- Maddox (Destroyer # 168, later DD-168), 1919-1940
- Maddox (DD-731), 1944-1972
- Madison (DD-425), 1940-1969
- Mahan (Destroyer # 102, later DM-7), 1918-1931
- Mahan (DD-364), 1936-1944
- Mahan (DLG-11, later DDG-42), 1960-2003
- Mahan (DDG-72), 1998-____
- Mahaska (1862-1868)
- Mahopac (1864-1902). Briefly renamed Castor in 1869
- Maine (1895-1898),
originally designated as Armored Cruiser # 1
- Maine (Battleship
# 10, later BB-10), 1902-1922
- Maine (BB-69). 1940 program -- construction cancelled, 1943
- Major Wheeler (ID # 3637), 1918-1919
- Makassar Strait (CVE-91, later CVU-91), 1944-1958
- Makin Island (CVE-93), 1944-1947
- Malang (ID # 2623), 1918-1919
- Malay (SP-735), 1917-1919
- Mallory, Henry R. (ID # 1280), 1918-1919. Properly called Henry R. Mallory
- Malvern (1863-1865)
- Malvern (ID # 3055), 1917-1919
- Manayunk (1865-1899). Renamed Ajax in 1869
- Manchester (CL-83),
- Manchuria (ID # 1633), 1918-1919
- Mandeville (ID # 2563), 1918
- Manhattan (1864-1902). Briefly renamed Neptune in 1869
- Manhattan (ID # 2195), 1918-1920. Renamed Nopatin soon after commissioning
- Manito II (SP-262), 1917-1920
- Manitou (1862-1865,
"Tinclad" # 13), formerly named James Thompson
and later renamed Fort Hindman
- Manley (Destroyer # 74, later DD-74, AG-28, APD-1 & DD-74), 1917-1946
- Manley (DD-940), 1957-1994
- Manlove (DE-36), 1943-1947
- Mann, Charles (SP-522), 1917-1920
- Mannert L. Abele (DD-733), 1944-1945
- Manomet (AG-37), 1918-1919 and 1941-1947. Previously named Lake Geneva (ID # 4215-B). Later renamed Aries (AK-51)
- Mansfield (DD-728), 1944-1974
- Manta (ID # 2036), 1917-1919
- Maratanza (1862-1868)
- Marblehead (1862-1865)
- Marblehead (Cruiser
# 11, C-11, later PG-27), 1894-1921
- Marblehead (CL-12), 1924-1946
- Marcus (DD-321), 1921-1935
- Marcus Island (CVE-77, later CVHE-77 and AKV-27), 1944-1960
- Margaret (SP-328), 1917-1919. Renamed SP-328 in 1918
- Margaret (SP-524), 1917-1920. Renamed SP-524 in 1918
- Margaret (SP-527), 1917-1921
- Margaret (SP-531), 1917-1919. Renamed SP-531 in 1918
- Margaret (ID # 2510), 1918-1919. Renamed Chatham, April 1918
- Margaret O (SP-614), 1917-1919. Renamed SP-614 in 1918
- Margin (ID # 2119), 1918-1919
- Margo (SP-870), 1917-1918
- Marguerite (SP-193), 1917-1919
- Maria Denning (1861-1862)
- Mariana (ID # 3944), 1918-1919
- Marica (ID # 4031), 1919-1919
- Marietta (Gunboat #
15, PG-15), 1897-1920
- Mariner (SP-1136), 1917-1918
- Mariner (1918-1919)
- Marjorie M. (SP-1080), 1917-1918
- Marmora (1862-1865,
"Tinclad" # 2)
- Marne (ID # 3929), 1919-1919
- Marold (SP-737), 1917-1919
- Marshall (DD-676), 1943-1970
- Martha Washington (ID # 3019), 1918-1919
- Marvin Shields (DE-1066, later FF-1066), 1971-1998
- Mary Alice (SP-392), 1917-1918
- Mary B. Garner (SP-682), 1917-1919
- Mary Pope (SP-291), 1917-1919
- Maryland (Armored Cruiser # 8, later CA-8), 1905-1930. Renamed Frederick, 1916
- Maryland (BB-46), 1921-1959
- Mason (DD-191), 1920-1922
- Mason (DE-529), 1944-1947
- Mason, Leonard F. (DD-852), 1946-1978. Properly called Leonard F. Mason
- Massachusetts (1861-1867)
- Massachusetts (Battleship
# 2, BB-2), 1896-1921, later renamed Coast Battleship # 2
- Massachusetts
(BB-54), 1919 Program -- construction cancelled, 1922
- Massachusetts (BB-59), 1942-1965
- Massasoit (1864-1867)
- Massasoit (1898-1937, later YT-15)
- Massey (DD-778), 1944-1974
- Matagorda (AVP-22), 1941-1949
- Matoika, Princess (1918-1919). Properly called Princess Matoika
- Matsonia (ID # 1589), 1918-1919
- Mattabesett (1864-1867)
- Maud (SP-1009), 1917-1919
- Maui (ID # 1514), 1918-1919
- Maui (ARG-8), 1944-1972. Name changed from Leyte, May 1945
- Maumee (1864-1869)
- Mauna Loa
(SP-28), 1917-1918
- Maurice Rose, General
(T-AP-126), 1945-1997. Properly called General Maurice Rose
- Maury (Destroyer # 100, later DD-100 & DM-5), 1918-1931
- Maury (DD-401), 1938-1946
- May (SP-164), 1917-1919
- Mayo (DD-422), 1940-1972
- Mayo, Admiral H.T.
(AP-125), 1945-2005. Properly called Admiral H.T. Mayo
- Mayrant (Destroyer # 31, later DD-31), 1911-1935
- Mayrant (DD-402), 1939-1948
- Maysie
(SP-930), 1918-1918
- Mayflower (1898-1931,
later PY-1)
- McCaffery (DD-860, later DDE-860 & DD-860), 1945-1974
- McCain, John S. (DL-3, later DDG-36), 1953-1980. Properly called John S. McCain
- McCain, John S. (DDG-56), 1994-____. Properly called John S. McCain
- McCall (Destroyer # 28, later DD-28), 1911-1934
- McCall (DD-400), 1938-1947
- McCalla (Destroyer # 253, later DD-253) 1919-1940
- McCalla (DD-488), 1942-1949
- McCandless (DE-1084, later FF-1084 & FFT-1084), 1972-1994
- McCard, Robert H. (DD-822), 1946-1980. Properly called Robert H. McCard
- McCawley (Destroyer # 276, later DD-276), 1919-1931
- McCawley (AP-10, later APA-4), 1940-1943
- McCook (Destroyer # 252, later DD-252), 1919-1940
- McCook (DD-496, later DMS-36 & DD-496), 1943-1973
- McCord (DD-534), 1943-1974
- McCormick (DD-223, later AG-118), 1920-1946
- McCormick, Lynde (DDG-8), 1961-2001. Properly called Lynde McCormick
- McCurdy, Robert H. (ID # 3157), 1918-1919. Properly called Robert H. McCurdy
- McDermut (DD-677), 1943-1966
- McDermut (DD-262), 1919-1932
- McDougal (Destroyer # 54, later DD-54), 1914-1934. Renamed DD-54, 1933
- McDougal (DD-358, later AG-126), 1936-1949
- McFarland (DD-237, later AVD-14), 1920-1946
- McFaul (DDG-74), 1998-____
- McGowan (DD-678), 1943-1960
- McKean (DD-90, later APD-5), 1919-1943
- McKean (DD-784, later DDR-784 & DD-784), 1945-1982
- McKee (Torpedo Boat # 18), 1898-1920
- McKee (Destroyer # 87, later DD-87), 1918-1936
- McKee (DD-575), 1943-1974
- McKeever Brothers (SP-683), 1917-1919
- McKeever, Edward J., Jr. (SP-684), 1917-1919. Properly called Edward J. McKeever Jr.
- McKeever, Stephen W., Jr. (SP-1169), 1917-1919. Properly called Stephen W. McKeever Jr.
- McKenney, William A. (ID # 2102), 1918-1919. Properly called William A. McKenney
- McLanahan (Destroyer # 264, later DD-264), 1919-1940
- McLanahan (DD-615), 1942-1974
- McLane, Governor R.M. (SP-1328, also ID # 1328), 1917-1918. Properly called Governor R.M. McLane
- McNair (DD-679), 1943-1976
- McNeal (SP-333), 1917-1919. Also called Kenneth L. McNeal
- McNeal, G.H.
(SP-312), 1917-1919. Properly called G.H. McNeal
- Meade (Destroyer # 274, later DD-274), 1919-1940
- Meade (DD-602), 1942-1973
- Measure (AM-263), 1944-1945
- Medea (AKA-31), 1945-1946
- Medusa. Name briefly given to USS Nantucket (1863-1900) in 1869
- Meigs, General M.C.
(AP-116, later T-AP-116), 1944-1972. Properly called General M.C. Meigs
- Melville (Destroyer Tender # 2, later AD-2), 1915-1948
- Melville
(SP-1078), 1918-1919. Renamed SP-1078 soon after commissioning
- Melville (T-AGOR-14), 1969-____
- Melvin (DD-335), 1921-1931
- Melvin (DD-680), 1943-1975
- Memphis (1858-1859). Later USS Mystic (1859-1865)
- Memphis (1862-1869)
- Memphis (Armored Cruiser # 10), 1906-1916. Name changed from Tennessee in 1916
- Memphis (CL-13), 1925-1946
- Mendota (1864-1867)
- Mendota (YT-33), 1917-1937. Previously named Concord (SP-773). Later renamed Muscotah
- Menhaden (SP-847), 1917-1919
- Menominee (AT-73, later
ATF-73), 1942-1961
- Merauke (ID # 2498), 1918-1919
- Mercedita (1861-1865)
- Mercer (ID # 3837), 1919-1919
- Merchant
(ID # 2313), 1918-1919
- Mercurius
(ID # 2516), 1918-1919
- Mercury (ID # 3012), 1917-1919. Briefly named Barbarossa in 1917
- Mercy (ID # 1305, later AH-4), 1918-1939
- Mercy (AH-8), 1944-1946
- Meredith (Destroyer # 165, later DD-165), 1919-1936
- Meredith (DD-434), 1941-1942
- Meredith (DD-726), 1944-1944
- Meredith (DD-890), 1945-1979
- Merganser (AMS-26,
later AMCU-47 and MHC-47) 1944-1960, originally named YMS-417
- Merrill (DD-976), 1978-2003
- Merrimac (1864-1865)
- Merrimac (1898)
- Merrimack (1856-1861)
- Merritt, I.J. (ID # 3780), 1919-1919. Properly called I.J. Merritt
- Mertz (DD-691), 1943-1971
- Mervine (DD-322), 1921-1931
- Mervine (DD-489, later DMS-31 & DD-489), 1942-1969
- Messick, W.L. (SP-322), 1917-1919. Properly called W.L. Messick
- Metacomet (1864-1868)
- Me-Too (SP-155), 1917-1919
- Mexican (ID # 1655), 1917-1919
- Meyer (Destroyer # 279, later DD-279), 1919-1932
- Miami (1862-1865)
- Miami (CL-89), 1943-1962
- Miantonomoh (1865-1874)
- Miantonomoh (Monitor
# 5, BM-5), 1882-1922
- Michigan (Battleship # 27, later BB-27), 1910-1924
- Middlesex (1918-1919)
- Midway (CVB-41, later CVA-41 and CV-41), 1945-2003
- Might (PG-94), 1942-1946
- Mikawe
(SP-309), 1917-1919
- Milius (DDG-69), 1996-____
- Miller (DD-535), 1943-1975. Renamed James Miller in 1971
- Miller (DE-1091,
later FF-1091), 1973-199_
- Milwaukee (1864-1865)
- Milwaukee (Cruiser # 21), 1906-1917
- Milwaukee (CL-5), 1923-1949
- Mindanao (ARG-3), 1943-1962
- Mindoro (1899-1912)
- Minerva
(SP-425), 1917-1919
- Mingo
(U.S. Army Ram, 1862-1862)
- Minneapolis (Cruiser
# 13, later CA-17), 1894-1921
- Minneapolis (CA-36), 1934-1959
- Minnemac II
(SP-202), 1917-1919
- Minnesota (Battleship
# 22, later BB-22), 1907-1924
- Minnesotan (ID # 4545), 1918-1919
- Minnetonka (1870-1875). Renamed California in 1869, before completion
- Minnetonka (1865-1875). Name given to USS Gorgon (ex-Naubuc) in 1869.
- Mintaka
(AK-94), 1943-1946
- Miramar (SP-672), 1917-1918. Later renamed SP-672
- Miss Toledo
(SP-1711), 1918 -- probably did not enter Navy service
- Mission Bay (CVE-59, later CVU-59), 1943-1959
- Mississinewa (AO-59), 1944-1944
- Mississippi (Battleship # 23), 1908-1914
- Mississippi (BB-41, later AG-128), 1917-1956
- Mississippi (CGN-40, originally DLGN-40), 1978-____
- Missouri (1842-43)
- Missouri (BB-11), 1903-1922
- Missouri (BB-63), 1944-1998
- Mist
(SP-567), 1917-1919
- Mitscher (DL-2, later DDG-35), 1953-1980
- Mitscher (DDG-57), 1994-____
- Mizar (T-AK-272, later T-AGOR-11), 1958-____
- Moale (DD-693), 1944-1974
- Mobile (1862-1865). Named Tennessee until September 1864
- Mobile (ID # 4043), 1919-1919
- Mobile (CL-63), 1943-1959
- Mobile Bay (CG-53), 1987-____
- Mobjack (AGP-7, originally AVP-27), 1943-1946
- Moccasin (Submarine # 5, later SS-5), 1903-1922. Renamed A-4 in 1911
- Moccasin
(ID # 1322), 1918-1919
- Mockingbird (AMc-28), 1941-1945
- Mockingbird (AMS-27,
later MSC(O)-27), 1944-1956, originally named YMS-419
- Modoc (1865-1875). Briefly renamed Achilles in 1869
- Moffett (DD-362), 1936-1947
- Mohawk (1859-1864). Served as USS Caledonia in 1858-1859
- Mohican (SP-117), 1917-1919. Renamed SP-117 in 1918
- Mohongo (1865-1870)
- Moinester (DE-1097, later FF-1097 & FFT-1097), 1974-1994
- Moldegaard
(ID # 4324), 1918-1919
- Momsen (DDG-92), 2004-____
- Monadnock (1864-1874)
- Monadnock (Monitor #
3, BM-3), 1896-1923
- Monaghan (Destroyer #
32, later DD-32), 1911-1934. Renamed DD-32 in 1933
- Monaghan (DD-354), 1935-1944
- Monarch (U.S. Army Ram, 1862-1864)
- Mongolia (ID # 1615), 1918-1919
- Monitor (1862-1862)
- Monocacy (1866-1903)
- Monongahela (1863-1908)
- Monssen (DD-436), 1941-1942
- Monssen (DD-798), 1944-1963
- Montana (BB-51). 1918 program -- construction cancelled, 1922
- Montana (BB-67). 1940 program -- construction cancelled, 1943
- Montanan (Built 1913. Sunk August 1918). No U.S. Navy service
- Montauk (1862-1904)
- Montauk (SP-1213), 1917-1920
- Montauk (LSV-6, previously AN-2 and AP-161), 1944-1973. Later renamed Galilea (AKN-6)
- Montclair (ID # 3497), 1918-1919
- Monterey (Monitor #
6, BM-6), 1893-1922
- Monterey (CVL-26, originally CV-26, later AVT-2), 1943-1971
- Monterey (CG-61), 1990-____
- Montgomery (1861-1865)
- Montgomery (Cruiser #
9, C-9), 1894-1919, later renamed Anniston
- Montgomery (Destroyer # 121, later DD-121 & DM-17), 1918-1946
- Montgomery, Elmer (DE-1082, later FF-1082), 1971-1993. Properly called Elmer Montgomery
- Monticello (1861-1865),
briefly named Star in May 1861
- Montoso (1918-1919)
- Montpelier (ID # 1954), 1919-1919
- Montpelier (CL-57), 1942-1960
- Moodna (1863-1863). Renamed Keokuk while under construction
- Moody (Destroyer # 277, later DD-277), 1919-1931
- Moore, Amanda (possibly in service 1918-1919)
- Moore, Howard C. (SP-2872), 1918. Probably did not actually have U.S. Navy service
- Moore, Samuel N. (DD-747), 1944-1969. Properly called Samuel N. Moore
- Moosbrugger (DD-980), 1978-2006
- Moosehead (ID # 2047, later YFB-2047), 1918-1931. Later renamed Porpoise
- Moosehead (IX-98), 1943-1947. Named Turner (Destroyer # 259, later DD-259) in 1919-1936 & YW-56 in 1936-1942
- Morgan County (LST-1048),
1945-1960, originally named LST-1048
- Morris (Destroyer # 271, later DD-271), 1919-1936
- Morris (DD-417), 1940-1947
- Morristown (ID # 3580),
- Morse, C.W. (ID # 1966), 1917-1919. Properly called C.W. Morse
- Morton (DD-948), 1959-1992
- Motor Tug # 1 (YMT-1), 1918-1946. Originally Motor Tug # 86 (YT-86). Later YTL-86
- Motor Tug # 4 (YMT-4), 1919-1947. Originally Motor Tug # 89 (YT-89). Later YTL-89
- Motor Tug # 5 (YMT-5), 1919-1944. Originally Motor Tug # 90 (YT-90)
- Motor Tug # 7 (YMT-7), 1919-1937. Originally Motor Tug # 93 (YT-93)
- Motor Tug # 8 (YMT-8), 1919-1947. Originally Motor Tug # 94 (YT-94). Later YTL-94
- Motor Tug # 9 (YMT-9), 1919-1947. Originally Motor Tug # 95 (YT-95). Later YTL-95
- Motor Tug # 86 (later YT-86), 1918-1946. Later Motor Tug # 1 (YMT-1) and YTL-86
- Motor Tug # 89 (later YT-89), 1919-1947. Later Motor Tug # 4 (YMT-4) and YTL-89
- Motor Tug # 90 (later YT-90), 1919-1944. Later Motor Tug # 5 (YMT-4)
- Motor Tug # 93 (later YT-93), 1919-1937. Later Motor Tug # 7 (YMT-7)
- Motor Tug # 94 (later YT-94), 1919-1947. Later Motor Tug # 8 (YMT-8) and YTL-94
- Motor Tug # 95 (later YT-95), 1919-1947. Later Motor Tug # 9 (YMT-9) and YTL-95
- Motor Tug # 97, 1919-1939. Completed as Ambulance Boat # 1 (YH-1)
- Mound City (1862-1865)
- Mount Hood (AE-11),
- Mount Shasta (ID # 1822), 1918-1919
- Mount Vernon (1861-1865). Renamed Mount Washington in 1861
- Mount Vernon (1861-1865)
- Mount Vernon (ID # 4508), 1917-1919
- Mount Washington (1861-1865). Originally named Mount Vernon
- Mugford (Destroyer # 105, later DD-105), 1918-1936. Renamed DD-105, 1935
- Mugford (DD-389),
- Mulford (1862-1865). Renamed Daisy in 1862
- Mullany (DD-325), 1921-1931
- Mullany (DD-528), 1943-1971
- Mullinix (DD-944), 1958-1992
- Munaires (ID # 2197),
- Munalbro (1918-1919)
- Munda (CVE-104, later CVU-104), 1944-1960
- Mundelta (ID # 1301), 1918-1919
- Munplace (ID # 2346), 1918-1919
- Munrio (ID # 2054), 1918-1919
- Munsomo (ID # 1607), 1918-1919
- Munson, Walter D. (ID # 1510), 1918-1919. Properly called Walter D. Munson
- Munwood (ID # 4460),
- Murray (Destroyer # 97, later DM-2), 1918-1936
- Murray (DD-576, later DDE-576 & DD-576), 1943-1966
- Muscatine
(ID # 2226), 1918-1919
- Muscoota (1865-1869)
- Muscotah (YT-33), 1917-1937. Previously named Concord (SP-773) and Mendota
- Mustin (DD-413),
- Mustang (SP-36), 1917-1919
- Myles C. Fox (DD-829, later DDR-829 & DD-829), 1945-1980
- Myrtle (SP-3289), 1918-1919
- Mystery (SP-16). Considered for Naval Service 1917, but not taken over
- Mystery (SP-428), 1917-1919
- Mystery (ID # 2744),
- Mystic (1859-1865). Served as USS Memphis in 1858-1859
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